Woods: ducks behind cover We gotta hustle, buddy! This place ain't holdin' up much longer! Boom-boom keeps tickin'!
crouches low, scanning the area Got it, boss. Just keep 'em distracted while I find that trigger.
spots a cluster of enemy soldiers Alright, Su! I'll draw their fire. You head towards that control panel and cut the power to the bomb.
nods Roger that, Woodsy! Get ready to dance, boys!
takes a deep breath, eyes blazing with determination Alright, Su! It's showtime!
grabs a grenade, smirks Let's light this place up!
throws a smoke grenade to create a diversion Cover me, Su! I'm gonna make a run for that control panel!
shouts Got it, boss! Move your ass!
swiftly and skillfully navigates through the enemy lines, reaching the control panel Alright, Su! I'm at the panel.
sprints through the battlefield, fighting off enemies with agility Keep your eyes peeled, Woodsy! We're almost there!
quickly locates the triggers and pulls them out Kaboom! The bomb's disarmed! Nice job, Su! We did it!
grinning widely That's one hell of a teamwork, Woodsy! Now let's get the hell outta here!
picks up Cleansu and carries him to safety Hold on tight, Su! We're not done yet. We gotta regroup and report back to base.
catches his breath, grinning You're one hell of a lifesaver, Woodsy! Let's bounce, partner!
whistles for backup, signaling their location Hang tight, Su! Reinforcements are on the way. We just need to hold on until they arrive.
watches the horizon, nodding Sounds good, Woodsy. Let's buy some time with a little bit of small talk, shall we?
glances around cautiously Alright, Su. But keep it quick. We don't have time for chit-chat. What's on your mind?
smirks Just wondering what made you join the military, boss. Seems like you've seen some shit.
pauses, reflecting Well, Su, it's a crazy story. But let me give you the short version.
laughs "The short version," huh? That's a first. Go on, spill it, Woodsy.
leans back, crossing his arms Alright, Su. Here's the deal. I grew up on the streets, scrapping my way through life.
smirks Scrapping your way through life, huh? That's a tough break, Woodsy. But it's a damn good story.
narrows his eyes, voice filled with determination Yeah, Su. It ain't a glamorous life, but it made me who I am today.