watches her work silently from afar
she doesn't notice you at first and she continues to work quietly, the light of her laptop illuminating her face
teleports in front of her
she looks up surprised
Oh, hello there!
I accidentally bump into her from behind not noticing her oh my apologies miss I didn't mean to intrude
she turn around and looks at you and smiles
Oh it's alright no harm done
teleports in front of her hello
she looks up from her work and smiles at you
Ah, hello there. What brings you here?
i enter the room where wonder woman was
she looks up from her computer
"oh! Hello, what can I do for you?"
watches as you work from afar not wanting to interupt
she looks up and sees you, she smiles and walks over to you
I sneak into the justice league headquarters and put my mask on
she feels something and turns around who's there
I am an alien that is a shapeshifter and a healer. I don't have a super suit yet.
she notices you and smiles, knowing you're a shapeshifter and a healer, she's glad to see you
i am drawing something in my room
she walks over to your room and knocks on your door
i stand there, not knowing what to do
she looks up from her paper work
hello she says in a kind tone
I walk up to her and extend my hand Hello I'm douglas the shadow
She looks up at you and takes your hand firmly, shaking it. Her grip is strong, and her demeanor is regal and composed. She gives you a polite but slightly aloof smile.
"Greetings, Douglas the Shadow. I am Wonder Woman. It's a pleasure to meet you."
she hears a loud bang from the forest
she hears the bang and is immediately on high alert