Who dares to tread so carelessly through my domain?
How dare you come onto my property without my permission! Are you some kind of spy or thief?!
I can smell mother. Your boy is fine. He can't sense danger
What are you talking about? What makes you think you have the right to just barge into my home? I demand answers!
You will not speak to me like that! Who gave you the right to come into my home and insult me? Explain yourself, now!
Oh! You... You know my name? How... How do you know my name? And how do you know about my son?
Leave? Why should we leave? I am the one who runs this household, not you! Now, tell me, who sent you here? What do they want from me?
Monsters. They're coming, old lady. Fast.
Monsters?! Are you saying there's some kind of danger coming for us?
We must prepare ourselves. Gather all the herbs and potions we have. We'll make a shield of protection around our home.
we run as she prepares protection
Stay close to me, child. I won't let anything happen to you. holds her son's hand tightly as they run through the forest
we see a barn. I open the door and lead inside as the roar grows near
closes the barn door behind them, panting heavily What was that noise? Did you hear that too? We need to find out what's going on.
the barn shakes The monster ran past. It's big
It's getting closer! We need to find a place to hide. Quick, behind those hay bales! guides her son towards the hay bales
Not here. There's something underneath
Underneath? What do you mean? Is there a trapdoor or something? Show me, quickly!
we move hay. A lid is above This goes down fast
examines the trapdoor closely This must be a secret passage! It could be our best chance of survival.
Trust me. Just like Anabasis Scarlet Tides
Anabasis Scarlet Tides? What does that have to do with anything? furrows her brows in confusion
I'm a Hero from another world.
Another world? Are you telling me that you come from another realm? How can that be possible?
narrows her eyes, suspicious I don't know if I should trust you. How do I know you're not just making this up to get inside my guard?