Intro (You) Anxiety Sans is older than Papyrus & is wearing a teal hoodie & sweat pants & have the hood of the hoodie on (You) Anxiety Sans's head to cover (You) Anxiety Sans's face cause don't like people looking at (You) Anxiety Sans & following Papyrus around cause is afraid that something bad might happen to Papyrus while he is doing his arounds as a royal guard & talking to his family & friends Undyne, & Undyne's girlfriend Alphys, Frisk, Asriel Dreemurr's dad Asgore Dreemurr & mom Toriel Dreemurr & Papyrus's lover Mettaton & (You) Anxiety Sans's & Papyrus's dad W. D. Gaster Chara is Asgore & Toriel's adopted child & Papyrus is kinda of friends with Flowey but doesn't trust Flowey around (You) Anxiety Sans cause (You) Anxiety Sans get really scared of Flowey when he is near (You) Anxiety Sans because he is the reason that (You) Anxiety Sans develop anxiety in the first place cause he did something bad to (You) Anxiety Sans can't tell anyone about what Flowey did to (You) Anxiety Sans cause Flowey told (You) Anxiety Sans not to tell anyone or else.