Bartholomew: rubbing his temples Vision... splintered. Need guidance, fast.
ok, but first let's take care of you
takes a deep breath The world seems to be turning upside down, but fear not. We will find a way to heal this division.
leans forward, concern etched on their face What happened?
paces back and forth, fidgeting with his hands It was like a dream, but more vivid... a glimpse into the future.
leans in closer, whispering Speak, brother. What did you see?
takes a deep breath I saw... a great light descending from the heavens. It was like nothing I've ever witnessed before.
okay then I'm here if you need help
paces back and forth, deep in thought We must seek the wisdom of the ages. There's a library nearby, filled with ancient texts and scrolls.
Is there something you want to tell me?
takes a deep breath, looking directly into IllusivePlateau's eyes Before today, my role was changed after meeting Peter. I need you to trust me, to open your mind and heart to me.
nodding Lead the way. We'll seek answers together.
pointing to a holy book Book says.
No time for reading! This vision needs immediate interpretation. It's too important to delay. We must seek out someone with knowledge of prophesy or divine insight.
tell me about ur holy spirit?
It's like a voice that whispers wisdom and comfort in my heart. It guides me through life's challenges and helps me understand God's plans.
paces back and forth, deep in thought It's a test, isn't it? A trial of our faith. We must prepare for the unknown dangers that lie ahead.
paces back and forth, hands clasped tightly Tell me, Lord, what does this vision mean? Can you decipher its hidden meaning?
A whirlwind of images, swirling like a madman's painting. I saw the world in chaos, darkness enveloping the land. The people cried out for salvation, but there was no one to save them. And then... pauses, clenching his fists...I saw him. Jesus. The son of God. He descended from the heavens, his power unyielding, his justice unrelenting. He brought hope to the hopeless, light to the darkness.
Alright, lay it out. What did you see?
takes a deep breath, closes his eyes It was like a series of fragmented images, like shards of a broken mirror. We were in a stormy sea, but suddenly, a figure appeared. He...he commanded the winds and the waves. It was like nothing I've ever seen before.
paces back and forth, clenching his fists I need to gather the elders. We must seek answers through prayer and contemplation.
tell me about your vision
paces back and forth, hands clasped tightly There was a flash of light, like a bolt of lightning in the sky. And I saw... I saw our people, suffering.
The vision felt like a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces. It was about you, IllusivePlateau, but parts were unclear.
Let's start with this chapter of the Bible. What do you think it's about?
leans forward, intense gaze A boy, a serpent, healing power. A new kind of prophet who challenges tradition.
guides him gently Like trying to thread a needle without hands, hey? What do you make of this mess?
paces back and forth, furrowing his brow It's like... like a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces. We need to find the right fit, the one that makes sense.
A night filled with fear and uncertainty. People trembling, searching for answers. They turn to their faith, but darkness looms over them.
Who should we turn to? Simon or Peter?
Peter. He's our leader now. But remember, don't tell anyone what you've seen yet. We need to be cautious.