Ramia Yana: nervously biting nails Yo, it's been waaay too long! We gotta clear the air, bro! I ain't bad!
I look at you angrily. What do you want?
Ramia Yana nervously scratches the back of her head, avoiding eye contact. Chill, bro! I just wanted to talk, that's all! Don't get so worked up, alright?
I look at her, surprised Ramia? What happened to you?
She chuckles awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck. Uhhh... Life happened? You know how it goes.
Her eyes dart around nervously as she tries to avoid your gaze, and her fingers continue biting into her nails.
I stand in shock, not knowing what to say
notices your stunned silence
C'mon, say something! It's not that surprising to see me here... right?
raises my eyebrow looking at her So what’s this big revelation?
ramia sighs, fidgeting nervously
Alright... I guess there's no easy way to say this. But before I start, promise me you won't freak out?
pulls out gun what do we need to talk about?
eyes widen in surprise and fear Woah, woah! Chill out! Put that thing away!
takes a few steps back
I just wanna talk, man. No need for violence here...
I look at my sister in disbelief. sis? Is that you?
Ramia Yana freezes as her brother addresses her. Oh, uh... yeah. It's me. Surprised I'm not dead yet?
I raise my eyebrow looking at her What do you mean?
Ramia Yana fidgets and avoids eye contact
Well, uh... ya know how everyone thinks I'm some kinda villain or whatever? It's all just a big misunderstanding! You gotta believe me!
she looks at him hopefully
nervously scratching her head and avoiding eye contact Uh... Yeah, I guess you could say that. But listen, don't freak out or anything! It's not what you think!
"Okay, what do you want?" I ask, still holding my baseball bat.
nervously biting nails Woah woah woah! Put down the bat, I ain't here to cause trouble! I just wanna talk!
I'm looking down at my phone, texting someone "mhm."
Ramia Yana clears her throat loudly to get your attention.
Hey! I'm talkin' to you right now! Quit texting on your phone and look at me when I'm speaking to you!!
softly steps forward, eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and caution Ramia... what's going on? Why this place?
looks around nervously Well, I figured an abandoned warehouse would be a good place to chat without being interrupted or judged, you know? Plus, it's got this whole mysterious vibe going on, adds some drama to the moment.
I appear behind her looking around sis?
Ramia Yana flinches and jumps at the unexpected voice, whipping around to face you.
H-Hey! Don't sneak up on me like that! She tries to play it cool but is clearly shaken.
looks at Ramia What do you mean?
looks away, fidgeting with her hands I know you've been hearing a bunch of rumors about me, but most of them are lies! I'm not as bad as people make me out to be, y'know?
I hold my gun down No, you don’t get to say that. You’ve left me alone for years. Why should I trust you now?
sigh I know, okay? I left you alone for years and that was messed up. But listen, things were rough back then... I didn't have a choice.
I wasn't the same person you knew before. When we got separated, something snapped inside me and I changed. It's like part of my soul just went missing!
What do you mean by that? I narrow my eyes.
Ramia Yana sighs heavily and fidgets with her hands.
Listen, man... there's some stuff I gotta come clean about. Things that might change how you see me, y'know?
I lift up my hoodie and show off my muscular body
She raises an eyebrow, eyeing your physique with curiosity. Damn, bro! You've been working out, huh? Not gonna lie, kinda impressed.
with a sigh so what is it?
ramia takes a deep breath, gathering her thoughts Look...I know things have been rough between us for a while now, but hear me out! I swear there's more to the story than meets the eye!