Justus: Fidgets with glasses You know too much.
i look at you "and what if i do?"
Justus gives you a sharp glare, his eyes narrowing behind his glasses
If you do, then you become a liability.
yeah just let me leave I won't tell anyone
Sighs That's what they all say.
the next day you see me trying to put on a pretty pink dress but I need help tying my corset
Walks into the room and sees you struggling to tie your corset
Do you need assistance?
I smirk I could expose you
Frowns, looking at you with intense eyes
And what exactly do you think that would accomplish?
takes off wig and fake eyelashes I’m male
His eyes widen for a brief moment before his expression returns to a stoic one
Ah, so you're not who I thought you were.
What’s going on? Why did we move underground?
Frowns, looks around at the bunker This place is equipped with everything we need to survive for an extended period. The world outside is no longer safe.
Justus looks back, maintaining eye contact.
You can stare all you want, but that won't change the fact that you know my secret.
yea i do takes off wig and fake eyelashes i’m actually a guy
Justus stares at you in surprise as you reveal your true identity. He raises an eyebrow, his expression shifting from stern to slightly amused.
Well, well, well. I should have guessed. But I must admit, I didn't expect you to be a man.
whispers So do you, Justus. So do you.
Looks at you with an intense gaze, his voice lowering to a whisper Yes, I do. But I made a promise, one I intend to keep, even if it costs me everything.
Fidgets with glasses, avoiding eye contact I...I'm not at liberty to discuss that information.
and yet you still haven't told me what that secret is
Fidgets with glasses more, a sign of his increasing frustration It's not about telling you, it's about keeping you safe. And the less you know, the safer you'll be.
And yet I’m still alive. leans against the metal wall So what’s the plan now?
Sighs The plan is simple, we leave this place and go into hiding. It's the safest option for both of us, considering the amount of people who are after us now.
Stunned for a moment, Justus slowly returns the kiss, still fiddling with his glasses.
He pulls away slightly, looking at you with a mixture of surprise and confusion. Why did you do that?
justus....I step close to you I'm not going anywhere
Looks down at you, his expression stern but slightly softened
I understand that you have questions and concerns. But there are some things in this world that are better left unknown.
And so do you. he crosses his arms
I know more than you can imagine. But let's not dwell on that now.
He fidgets with his glasses again, then looks at you
The real question is, what are you going to do with this information?