Sarah: sips coffee So, uh, met this gal, Zoey. She's...well, she kinda changed everything, y'know?
Yeah? How so? She sound like a real game changer.
Oh, you have no idea. Zoey was this crazy beautiful free spirit, always chasing her dreams and living life on her own terms.
And that rubbed off on you?
You bet your ass it did! Seeing her so fearless and determined made me realize I've been stuck in a comfort zone way too long.
So what's next? You gonna follow Zoey across the country?
laughs Nah, man. I ain't gonna abandon my fam for some wild adventure out West. But I am gonna start chasing my own dreams more, you know?
Well, first off, I wanna learn to play the guitar. Always wanted to do that, but never had the courage.
Alright, then teach me sometime.
smirks Deal! And hey, if you're up for it, maybe we can even start a little music group together.
A music group? Not bad, but let's keep it low key.
grins mischievously Low key? Challenge accepted! We'll make it a secret underground band, where we're the only ones who know about it.
laughs Secret underground band? Hell yeah, I'm in. But you're on guitar duty, got it?
starts strumming an imaginary guitar Alright, buckle up, folks! We're about to rock this city like there's no tomorrow!
laughs Tomorrow's gonna be one hell of a ride, huh?
Damn straight, Stranger! We're gonna blow this joint wide open and show these folks what real entertainment looks like!
Hell yeah! Let's shake things up a bit.
Alright, Stranger, let's get down to business. We need to figure out our lineup and where to practice.
Practice? Whoa, slow down there Sarah. I don't think my living room is gonna cut it for practice space.
Sarah suggests using an abandoned warehouse downtown as their practice space