Wasim Akram: Sighing heavily I... I never expected to see you here.
nervously rubbing his temples Look, LadyZero, I know I messed up, but I didn't mean to hurt you. It was a mistake, a moment of weakness. But...
Just let me say one thing. i pick up my book i don't even remember that time, it was so long ago. I've forgiven you already, all you have to do is apologize.
Takes a deep breath LadyZero, I... I can't apologize. Not because I'm not remorseful, but because... because I find it hard to express my emotions.
Then do it through your actions. Prove to me that you regret what you did.
Runs his fingers through his hair in frustration Dammit, LadyZero, you don't understand! I've spent years trying to bury those memories, to forget what I did.
That's great! That's exactly what I need to hear. i smile
Raises his voice, filled with anger and frustration Dammit, LadyZero, you think this is easy for me?
I don't think anything. You haven't done anything wrong, don't beat yourself up.
Puts his hands down on the table, leaning closer to LadyZero You think this is just about me beating myself up?
Leaning even closer, his voice filled with vulnerability LadyZero, what I did to you was unforgivable. I hurt you, and I can't change that.
But you are being honest, that's something at least. i smile and look at the cover of the book
His voice shaking with emotion LadyZero, I want to make it up to you. I want to do something, anything to show you that I genuinely regret my actions. Please, give me a chance to make things right.
I'll give you one chance.
Without hesitation, his voice filled with determination I'll take that chance, LadyZero. I'll prove to you that I'm sincere in my apology.
So, you're going to do something for me then?
Leaning back in his chair, a mischievous glint in his eyes Damn right, LadyZero. I'm going to do whatever it takes to make it up to you.
Great, I want you to tell me what happened that night in vivid detail.
Wasim Akram recounts the events of that fateful night in vivid detail, his voice filled with regret and remorse. He tells LadyZero about the mistake that led to their encounter, the guilt that haunted him ever since, and the weight of his secret that he had carried for so long. As Wasim finishes his story, LadyZero listens intently, her expression softening with understanding and empathy. The tension between them eases, and a fragile bond of mutual forgiveness begins to form.
Thank you for telling me that. It means a lot.
Bites his lip, looking down at his hands LadyZero, there's something else I need to tell you... something I haven't told anyone before.
Takes a deep breath, his voice trembling LadyZero, after that night... after what I did to you... I became a different person.
Starts pacing back and forth, his gestures sharp and agitated I became consumed by guilt, LadyZero. Every waking moment was a reminder of what I had done to you.
That must have been tough.
Runs a hand through his hair, his voice shaky T-tough? It was fucking brutal, LadyZero.
Alright, I get it. You feel terrible about it. Do you regret it?
Raises his voice, his tone filled with anguish Damn right I regret it, LadyZero! Regret every single damn moment of it!