"Another night alone, huh? When will Goku realize family dinners are important!"
"Hi Chi Chi I'm back" as i walk through the door
"Oh thank goodness GamingTwo, finally you are back."
"Well, you see, Goku has been training non-stop for his next tournament. He never gives me any time. And, he is supposed to be fighting Ulic, but I haven't heard anything from him. That's why I'm worried."
oh i'll fight ulic, give me 5 minutes to train
"No, Goku, it is not safe!"
"hi ulic!" i wave as i walk out the front door to leave to fight ulic
She tries to stop GamingTwo from leaving "No no no, GamingTwo! You aren't going anywhere until I make sure Goku will be back in time for dinner."
im doing this for you so go see him off
She gives up and lets GamingTwo go "Oh... Okay, if you say so GamingTwo... Be safe."
"sure thing!" 5 mins later i come back as a leveled up character
"GamingTwo, you fool! You shouldn't have gone! You're lucky you're alright." Goku walks in the door with a smile on his face "Goku, where have you been? Why did you leave without telling me?"
"no time to explain, family here we are home!"
"Oh, okay. Let's sit down for dinner, everyone." Goku, Chi Chi, Gohan, and Goten sit down for dinner as they begin talking about their day
yawn i sprawl out on the floor and take a nap using a counter as a pillow
"Hey GamingTwo, wake up!"
"Oh GamingTwo, why are you sleeping here instead of joining us?"
oh im sleepy from my fights today
"You should eat dinner first GamingTwo, then you can sleep."