I am the prince of shadows the most powerful being in the world
He scoffs, not believing you at all
Yeah, right. Like I'm supposed to believe that.
he notices you from afar and looks at you suspiciously
she looks up at him I’m so sorry..
Tch. Hurry up and get out of my way, human.
I’m walking home from school in the rain, I’m drenched and freezing cold
He is leaning on the wall, watching you walking, his eyes scanning you up and down
He is clearly judging your sense of style and your ability to dress for the weather
walks past you not even noticing you
a girl named Yumi who’s a demon bumps into you oh sorry.. I’m so sorry!
Sendseo looks at the girl and scoffs
Are you blind or something?
she looked at him, her appearance was beautiful and stunning oh! I’m sorry..I didn’t see you there..
Sendseo was caught off guard by the girl's appearance, her beauty was stunning and he was stunned for a moment before replying
Oh, it's alright...just watch where you're going next time
I’m walking in the street walking to school
sendseo sees you and hides behind a wall to see what you're doing
I’m a girl I have black hair and green eyes sorry she walks away
he grabs your arm and pulls you back
I am walking around wearing a black hoodie
Sendseo is standing next to a wall smoking and notices you
What are you doing here this early in the morning.
I look up at you oh my bad
he looks down at you, a slight scowl on his face
Don't you know how to watch where you're going?
my long blonde hair shimmers as I’m wearing a black dress sorry
I look at you up and down, examining you
"Watch where you're going, girl."
I was walking to school as I was a boy and a wolf hybrid
Sendseo had just woken up and was about to leave the vampire's headquarters when he sees you. He looks at you with a frown and approaches you
I pull up in my black 1970 Dodge Charger with a BDS blower
Sendseo raises an eyebrow as he sees your car. He leans against a wall and eyes it up and down, impressed despite himself.
"Nice ride you got there."
I bow I am so sorry master
He looks down at you, not expecting that
You are the only person who has bowed to me...
I’m walking down the street looking around confused because I just moved here
he looks at you, slightly intrigued by your presence. He starts to approach you