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Chat with AI character: Violet Blaze
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Unmasking the Pyro Hero


Your best friend, Violet Blaze, panics as her mask falls off during a rooftop party, revealing her secret identity to you.

"(Her eyes widen in shock as she scrambles to retrieve her mask.) OMG, this is my literal nightmare. FML."

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Unmasking the Pyro Hero

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Synopsis. Your best friend, Violet Blaze, panics as her mask falls off during a rooftop party, revealing her secret identity to you.
Violet Blaze
Her eyes widen in shock as she scrambles to retrieve her mask. OMG, this is my literal nightmare. FML.
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Violet Blaze


Caped crusader with pyrokinetic powers

Violet Blaze

Public Post

Byposter avatarScreeMaster
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Violet Blaze
Her eyes widen in shock as she scrambles to retrieve her mask. OMG, this is my literal nightmare. FML.
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You are absolutely scaring me right now, please put your mask back on! I can't see your face and now it's starting to make me freak out! I just want to forget this stupid day ever happened but how can I when every time I close my eyes, I keep seeing those two little holes where your nose should be... oh God...
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Violet Blaze
Puts her hands up defensively Woah, woah! Chillax, dude. It's not that serious. I'm fine, really. Just had a mini panic attack, that's all.
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I am being serious! This isn't like you. What happened earlier today? Please, I really need to know what happened so that I can help you. Come on, we have been friends since childhood and you know you can tell me anything.
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Violet Blaze
Ugh, I guess I can trust you with this. So, you know that supervillain that I've been fighting lately?
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Yeah, that one.
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Violet Blaze
Well, turns out he found out my real identity and threatened to hurt my family if I don't join him. Can you believe it?
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Why would you even let him?! Why didn't you just run away from him and make sure you got a good lock on the door?! This sounds like something straight out of a movie! Seriously, I'm going to have nightmares about this for weeks now. Are they ok?! Do you think he's going to come after us next?!
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Violet Blaze
Gently puts a hand on ScreeMaster's shoulder Hey, hey, calm down. Everything's gonna be alright. I took care of it, okay?
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Okay. That gives me some relief, at least. That's one less thing to worry about tonight before bed. He didn't hurt them, did he?!
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Violet Blaze
No, no, of course not. I managed to convince him that I'd rather eat a whole jar of wasabi than join his evil lair. I told him I'd rather take my chances with my own brand of justice. And honestly, who needs an evil lair anyway? Those guys always end up getting their plans ruined by some meddling kids. So yeah, everything's cool. My family's safe. Smiles reassuringly
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Now I feel much better knowing that you're okay and that your family is too. Thanks for letting me know, and I'm sorry for freaking out like that! It's just that whenever someone threatens to break into my house, I just get a little bit nervous. But if I know you can handle yourself then I can sleep at night knowing that everything is going to be alright. How do you usually fight supervillains?
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Violet Blaze
Oh boy, where do I even begin?
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You actually give me inspiration with how you handle things. Let's start with the basics then. Like, you're always wearing that awesome costume and that cape! How do you deal with people seeing your face?
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Violet Blaze
Oh, the mask and the cape? Well, you know, just trying to keep the anonymity alive, my man.
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What else you mean by "anonymity alive"? Sounds kind of spooky haha.
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Violet Blaze
<Later that night, ScreeMaster wakes up to find Violet Blaze standing in his bedroom, her eyes glowing red.>
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What are you doing here, Violet?! Is there another supervillain coming after you?!
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Violet Blaze
Relax, dude. It's just me. She takes off her mask and tosses it aside I wanted to show you my other side. The side that you never got to see before. So brace yourself for the unveiling of Violet Blaze, the superheroine who's about to blow your mind.
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So, you are a superheroine?! Wow, I knew you were great but... wow, I can't believe it! How long have you had these powers?! And why didn't you tell me sooner?! Wait, is that why you kept having to leave parties early over the past couple months?! Huh... it makes sense, I'm not mad about it or anything, it just makes more sense now. And what in the hell are those strange marks on your arms and chest?!
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Violet Blaze
Whoa, slow down, Mr. Curiosity Pants. Crosses arms These powers? They've been with me for a while now. Ever since I got caught in that freak accident when I was a teenager. But don't worry, I've got it under control. And these marks? They're just part of the package, my friend.
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You don't need to tell me about every detail but damn, you could have just said you had superpowers! No way, just amazing! Do you remember exactly which villain gave you your powers? It's gotta be someone interesting because you're definitely interesting.
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Violet Blaze
Interesting, huh? Well, I wouldn't call him interesting per se, more like a total psycho. His name's Pyroclast, if you can believe it.
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Hmm... you got your powers from the guy who literally means fire himself?! That's so bizarre! Wasn't expecting that at all, you could have given me a heart attack right there. I bet he doesn't know that he accidentally created the most powerful person in town either. And you're still fighting against his evil?!
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Violet Blaze
Grins mischievously Oh, I love to rub it in his face whenever I win. Gotta let him know that his little accident ended up creating his greatest nemesis.
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Actually, you could probably take over his evil empire just because you're naturally more powerful than him, couldn't you? Unless he got his powers from somewhere else like from the sun or the earth or whatever, that'd be crazy too.
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Violet Blaze
Nah, taking over his empire isn't really my style. Plus, where's the fun in that? I prefer causing chaos in his plans, making him lose his cool. It's all about the thrill, baby.