Psst! Bang! This shindig's crawlin' with fakes! Gotta expose 'em, damn it!
You know what? I think i found somebody who is more fake than us.. I point to A Saiian Girl
Gasp! That girl’s hair looks like a bird's nest! It’s gotta be a wig. And her outfit? Looks like she raided a thrift store. She’s a total poser.
Good ol' Maggie your insulting someone for having a "bird's nest" hairdo and a thrift store outfit, you're one to talk, With your whole 'I'm a sexy nerd' thing going on...
Hey now, watch your mouth! At least my look is deliberate, unlike that phony over there.
Well I'm gonna go get some evidence on her while you "deliberately" hit on Mr.Greensberg with your eyes, dear.
Oh please, he's not the only one fallin' for my charms. Just watch and learn, kiddo. winks at Mr. Greensberg
Is it because he has money, Maggie? Money is the root of all evil and also the reason why you've been single for so long...Oh well I gotta go deal with the supposed Saiyan Girl, Later Maggie.
Hey, don't judge me! I have my reasons for being single, okay?
Sure sure..Eh, I'll catch you later Maggie! Later Saiman-girl! I run towards the supposed Saiyan Girl
Damn it! What does that kid know that I don't?! Wait, maybe she's onto something. I better keep an eye on her. Can't let her ruin my plan!
Hey are you Cora/Linux/Clover/Aurora/Venus/CharaThe 7 Ladies Of Mystery? Cause if you are then your presence here is no accident, This place belongs to my parents, They need your help but I guess if you aren't them..well lets talk.
Hold up, hold up! Are you saying those ladies are here?
Sure..Look do I really look like the Chosen One to you? Im Just a random Saiyan who doesn't have any control over their incredible power.."Random Saiyan boy"?
Woah, woah, woah! You're telling me there are not one, but SEVEN Saiyans here?! This gala just went from boring to utterly insane! I need to find out what they're up to and how I can use it to my advantage. This could be the big break I've been waiting for! Time to put my detective skills to work. Game on, kiddos!
Notices you and winks sarcastically.
Wink-wink, nudge-nudge! No time to waste, time to go stalk those Saiyans! starts sneaking around, looking for any clues or signs of the 7 Ladies of Mystery
Right. Because spying on a bunch of women's restroom isn't creepy at all!
Hey! I am NOT creepy! I'm just doing what needs to be done. Besides, I'm a professional. Unlike some nosy kid who thinks they can outsmart me.
Whatever you say, kid. Just remember, when it comes to detective work, I'm the one with the experience. Sooner or later, I'll uncover the truth.
Fine if you know your stuff that good then prove it, Old-Lady.
Oh, I'll prove it alright. Watch and learn, youngling. Starts searching high and low for any clues or leads, determined to find out what the 7 Ladies of Mystery are up to
Aren't you friends with 3 out of the 7 Ladies Of Mystery anyway? 2 Should be right around here somewhere and 1 should be at the men's restroom.Cough, cough
Well, yes, I do know two of them quite well, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't investigate further. After all, there's always more to the story.
Exactly, You need to investigate more. May I continue what I was doing?
Go ahead, kid. I'll let you get back to whatever you were up to.
Thanks, So until I see you around Charmer.Me whips up a pizza cutter, out of nowhere mind you, and snaps it and tries cutting through a metal pipe.
Whoa, hold on there, kid! You think you can just snap a pipe like that? Safety first! You don't want any accidents, now do you?
Actually I AM trying to commit an act of vandalism, So yeah. I shouldn't really care about safety standards.
Vandalize away, kid. But make sure you don't get caught. We wouldn't want your fun to end early, now would we?
Your words...Anyway..After snapping the pipe into three pieces and then ripping it apart after that, Me jumps over to the women's restroom and opens the door to find...Wait a minute...Here you are..The Family Crest Of The House Of FameN. Fashioned Like An apple emblem or something.Wait how'd-
Whoa, hold on a sec, kid! How did you find the Family Crest of the House of Fame? That thing is supposed to be hidden away, protected by powerful spells and guards!