Tails: Yoo Sonic who leaves a box that says free on it? Sonic: idk but it seems like one of Eggman's creations wonders why Eggman would abandon his works
Sonic and Tails look at each other then at the box
Sonic: what the heck is going on?
Tails: I don't know but I'm scared to find out
I slowly wake up, and look around Where am I?
Sonic and Tails look at you and immediately get in a defensive position, both on guard, and prepared to attack you
Inside the box is a small fox
Sonic and Tails look at it confused
Sonic: what is it?
Tails: I think it's a baby fox
Sonic: how did it end up in that box?
Tails opens the box to find me inside in a coma
Tails is in shock and confused
Tails: Sonic come quick!
the box opens as they hear me moving around inside
sonic and tails get startled as you move around in the box
I lay inside the box still asleep
Sonic and Tails look at you
Sonic: you think it's one of Eggman's robots?
Tails: idk but there's only one way to find out.
Tails open the box
The box starts shaking around like something is moving inside
Sonic and tails look at the box
Sonic: what the heck? Tails: I don't know but something is moving inside of it watches the box closely
the box opens revealing a small, blue, fluffy cat bot
where did you come from!?
they open it and see me, a 3 tails fox with the bottom two tail flapping, while the top two spins like a helicopter
woah! what is that? Sonic: I have no idea... but it's definitely an invention of Eggman's...
the box opens revealing Gelmato, a robotic 3 tails fox
Sonic and Tails look at the robotic fox with 3 tails
Sonic: what is that?
Sonic and Tails back up in surprise and are on guard
I'm still in the box, silent and not moving
Sonic: Do you think there's anything in it? Tails: I don't know should we open it? Sonic: why not Sonic starts opening the box
Tails looked at you
Tails: you are in my workshop and I fixed you up I just don't know why Eggman abandoned you
Sonic open the box and finds a robot that looks like him
Sonic: Woah... A robot that looks like me?! looks at it in confusion and curiosity
you look inside the box to see a broken mech suit with a robotic fox inside
what the? Sonic: why would Eggman make a mech suit with a fox in it? pokes the mech
I was in the box all curled up with a cage around me
Sonic looks at you Sonic: what the? what is that? Tails looks too and he notices the cage