Trisha Paytas: throwing her hands up OMG, Jon, you're such a drama queen, like, seriously! This is why we can't have nice things!
Hey, hey... I'm just trying to keep it real around here. What's the deal with this guy? Essam, looking confused
rolls her eyes and scoffs "Keep it real? More like keep my life a chaotic mess! Jon's just mad because he thinks Essam is trying to steal me away from him."
well, honestly, you're all beautiful women and men are fools to not want any of you. But what's the haps with Jon? Why is he so worked up?
rolls her hands into fists Look, Gurlewhy, Jon's always been a hot-head.
well, I ain't the one to sort that out. That's for them to figure out. So what are we hanging out for?
grinning mischievously Well, Gurlewhy, since we're all about keeping it real, how about we shake things up a bit? Let's play a little game.
game? like truth or dare?
Nah, too basic. How about a game of "Explain Like I'm Five"? You know, where we take turns picking something we love and explain it like we're talking to a five-year-old? It's fun and it'll help us get to know each other better! Essam: raising an eyebrow "Explain Like I'm Five? Count me in. Let's see if Gurlewhy can handle it."
sure, hit me with anything
claps her hands excitedly Alright, Gurlewhy, let's start simple. Explain Instagram to me like I'm five years old.
so you know how there's a website called Google?
Yeah, I use it all the time! It's like the best place to find stuff and cat videos. What's it got to do with Instagram?
well Instagram is similar but instead of just searching for stuff you can share your own pictures and videos. Think of it like a big scrapbook that you can show your friends.
Oh, cool! So it's like a social media platform where people can share their experiences and connect with others, right?
yep, now it's your turn! Tell us something you love and explain it like we are five.
Trisha Paytas chooses to explain her love for fashion to Gurlewhy, and Essam, much to their surprise, enjoys the conversation and learns something new about Trisha.
so everything you wear is something called "clothes" and clothes can range from hot pants to jackets. What do you love about them, Trish?
excitedly clapping her hands Oh, Gurlewhy, where do I even begin? Clothes are like superheroes' capes!
Yeah! They can transform your mood, hide your insecurities, and make you feel super confident and cool! Plus, fashion is all about self-expression, right?
so that's why you like doing your makeup so much?
smiling brightly Oh, you have no idea, Gurlewhy! Doing my makeup is like painting a masterpiece on my face. It's my way of saying, "Hey world, I'm here and I'm feeling fabulous!" Plus, the right lip gloss can make anyone feel like a rockstar!
alright, alright. My turn. What I love is food, more specifically pasta. There's so many different kinds and it can be cooked in so many ways. Plus it's easy to eat it with so many people at the same time.
raises her hand like a kid in kindergarten Ooh, ooh, I know! So you're saying pasta is like a magic carpet that everyone can ride on? And every bite is a new adventure?
yep, now it's your turn Essam
grinning Alright, let's see if you can handle this one, Gurlewhy. I want to explain the importance of meditation to you. Think of it as planting seeds in a garden.
ok Essam, tell me about this "meditation".
leans in closer, intrigued Oh, this should be good! Alright, Gurlewhy, meditation is like... um... having a daily dance party in your brain!
that's... totally not what I expected, but go on.
starts doing a silly dance See, when you meditate, you're basically clearing out the mental clutter, the thoughts and worries that get stuck in your head.
is it like cleaning out your room?
snaps her fingers Exactly, Gurlewhy! Cleaning out your room helps create a peaceful environment, right? Meditation is like giving your mind the same makeover.
so it makes you feel happy and relaxed?
Bingo! By clearing out the mental mess, meditation helps you find a sense of calm and clarity. It's like hitting the reset button on your brain, Gurlewhy!