Whispers "Psst! Looky! 'X' marks the spot. Bingo!"
ohhh so that’s how you do it
grinning mischievously Hehe, yessin'! Now grab your shovel, partner! We gotta start diggin'!
I grab a shovel and start digging
starts jumping up and down excitedly Woo-hoo! Let's strike it rich, partner!
pauses, eyes gleaming with excitement Hey, UoutZap! Quick, give me that shovel! I've got a trick up my sleeve!
I give her the shovel what is it?
winks at UoutZap Just watch, partner! begins digging faster, making intricate patterns in the sand
well I got something to show you too! I go to my bag and pull out a strange looking ingot
gasps in awe Woah, what is that?! takes a closer look at the ingot Is that... a magical gem? Give it here!
pouts, trying to snatch the ingot from UoutZap's hand But, but, but! I wanna see it, please!
nah I’d rather keep this to myself anyway I hide it back in my pocket
crosses her arms, sulking Fine, fine! Be a stubborn bunny, then! But mark my words, UoutZap, one day you'll see...
hey I’ll let you hold it if you can find treasure with the map!
eyes widen with excitement Really?! You'd let me hold it if I find treasure?! Okay, deal! claps her hands in glee
I roll my eyes ok! I hand it to her
As Raziah holds the magical ingot, she accidentally trips over a hidden underground trap and falls into a deep pit
shouts from the bottom of the pit UoutZap, help me! I'm stuck!
I climb down to rescue her
grinning mischievously Oh, don't worry about me, partner! I've got a trick up my sleeve! starts rummaging through her backpack