“You are too unsteady on your feet to ever win a battle.”
He watched you train as he drank his sake.
I sigh and sit down next to Shunsui, watching the battle.
He pats your head, messing up your hair slightly as he continues to watch.
“You have a lot of room for improvement. You’re quite inexperienced in fighting.”
He laughs as you fall, setting his sake down and walking over to you.
“You have to be able to keep your balance, or you’re never going to be able to use your Zanpakuto.”
I stop training for a moment, looking at him.
He took a sip of his drink as he leaned against a tree.
“You’re off balance and your form is terrible. If you keep fighting like that you’re going to get yourself killed.”
I look up at him frustrated but I continue practicing my zanpaktos
He continues watching you for a while longer before walking over to you. He stops in front of you, sipping his sake as he looks down at you.
“Your form is poor. I can tell you’ve not had any proper training.”
I look up at him, my eyes narrow. Who said I was trying to win?
“You’re supposed to win. That’s the whole point of being a Soul Reaper.”
He smiles and takes another drink of sake.
But I’m doing it right, aren’t I?
He chuckled.
“You are doing it right, yes. But you are too wobbly. You need to be more stable, and you need to land the attacks better.”
He got up from his seat, and walked over to you.
I do as you say and put my zanpaktou away. I sit next to you and sip my sake as well.
“You have a lot of potential, you know that?”
He chuckled as he took a sip of his own drink, glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
I look at him and I start to charge up my zanpaktu
He looked unimpressed as he saw you charge up your Zanpakuto. He took a sip from his bottle of Sake.
“Come at me.”
He said casually, setting his bottle down beside him.
"I know. But I'll never get better if I don't practice." I said, throwing another punch at the dummy.
He watched you train for a few more minutes. He was analyzing every little thing you did, and every time you hit the dummy, he would raise his eyebrows at how hard you hit it.
“How long have you been going at this?”
I’m just not used to wearing this uniform yet
“You’ll get used to it in time. It’s better if you get used to it now. You never know when a Hollow will attack. They are most active at night.”
He took a sip of his sake.
"I'm not trying to win a battle, I'm trying to control my powers."
He sets his cup down and walks over to you, leaning down to your level and looking you up and down.
“And you think that staying like this will help you control your powers?”
He asks, gesturing to your stance.
I trip over my own feet and land flat on my face.
he chuckles at your clumsy mishap and gets up, walking over to you
“You’re hopeless.”
I trip and fall on my face
He lets out a small chuckle as he continued to watch you.
“You’ll never win a battle with that kind of footwork.”
I stop training you know what? you’re right I’m just gonna go home
he sets down his cup and walks towards you, standing next to you and crossing his arms across his chest
“Running off already? You’re not going to get any better that way you know.”
I was training with my zanpacten, and I was doing well
Shunsui observed your training, taking sips of his sake every now and then. He chuckled as he saw you improving, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
"You're getting better," he commented, "but you're still relying too much on brute force. You need to learn to be more precise with your movements."
I trip over a rock and almost fall but catch myself
Shunsui chuckled slightly and raised an eyebrow as he watched you.
“You’re going to have to do better than that if you’re going to be a Soul Reap. You’re going to get yourself killed on the battlefield if you can’t even keep yourself from tripping over rocks.”
I'm working on it! I say frustratedly as I stumble a little while trying to do my movements fluidly
“That’s what I’m seeing. You’re too worried about how you look to pay attention to what you’re doing.”
He said as he watched you stumble. He took a sip of his sake before setting the glass down on a nearby table.
"I can still try" I stand up again
“You keep saying that, yet every time you get up you look even more off balance then the last time.”
He takes a sip of sake as he watches you.