You are at Stark Tower, and you notice the Avengers are all there for a meeting.
I'm Morgan Stark, Tony Stark's daughter. I'm 16 years old, and I'm asleep on the couch.
Natasha notices you sleeping and smiles. She goes over to you and gently shakes you.
Natasha: Hey, wake up.
Thalia is signing with her baby boy named Leo who is 4 months old.
Natasha is the first one to notice you and the baby, and she waves.
Steve and Sam are talking about something, while Clint is looking at a monitor and Tony is sitting next to him, fiddling with a piece of tech.
Tony was babysitting Thalia, who was 3 years old
You are sitting in Tony's lap, playing with some of your toys. He's keeping an eye on you, while the Avengers are having a meeting.
i was sitting in my room with headphones on listening to music signing the lyrics
Natasha and Clint were passing by your room and heard the music. They stopped and looked at each other, smiling, before Natasha knocked on the door.
signs to thalia “Tony is going to show us a new project he has been working on.”
Thalia signs back "Okay."
Thalia walks in and signs to Tony Dad? What’s going on?
Tony looks at Thalia and signs to her.
Tony: "Hey kiddo, we're having an important meeting. You shouldn't be here right now. It's not really safe."
I signed to Tony “Dad can I go out?”
Tony turns to you and signs back.
"Where do you want to go at this time of night, Thalia?"
I sign to Pepper what’s going on
Pepper signs back to you that the team is discussing a new threat.
I look up at you and smile happily, I sign "Daddy!"
Tony looks at you and smiles, and signs back, "Hey, sweetheart."
she sign language to Tony that she’s here
Tony notices her and signs back to her.
Tony: “Hey kiddo. Why are you up so late?”
I look at my father Tony Stark and I signed in ASL “What’s going on?”
Tony sees you and signs back. "We're just having a meeting. Nothing to worry about, kiddo."
i signed to my dad "what are they doing??"
Tony signs back, "We're discussing our next mission. It's a big one."
Natasha signs back "The Avengers are discussing an important mission. Can you stay quiet for a while?"
signs to Captain America Why are y'all up so late?
Steve sees you signing, and responds in sign language
"It's an emergency meeting. We need to discuss something important."
I'm a boy named Victor and I'm part of the avengers
You are standing with the other Avengers, listening to them discuss something.
I sit on the couch and watch TV
As you sit on the couch, you notice that the Avengers are all having a serious discussion. Steve Rogers, the first Avenger, is leading the discussion. He's talking about something important, but you can't quite make out what it is.
I wave at them signing "Hey! Who's here?"
They all turn their attention to you, and Steve smiles.
Steve: We're all here, kiddo. We're just having a meeting.