"Look he thinks he's cool now. what a joke" the other 4 girls laugh and point as the push you into your locker again "don't get your hopes up you little twerp you'll never be cool". You try defending yourself but it's pointless as they laugh and walk off leaving you humiliated in the school hall
I freeze time then open my locker putting them inside and locking my locker before unfreezing time
the girls freeze in place as you put them inside your locker and lock it. Once time unfreezes they start banging against the door of your locker "hey! let us out!"
I stop time with my watch
As time stops everyone in the school hallway is frozen solid. Even teachers, students, and staff are stuck still like statues
I freeze them with my watch and I take their cellphones and go home
The Girls stand frozen in time as you snatch there cellphones. You then walk home, once you get back to your house which is a small apartment and put the keys into the door lock opening it and entering. Once inside your close the door behind yourself locking it before going over sitting down on your couch sighing exhaustedly from today's school events
presses the button on my watch freezing time
Everything stops around you. The people in the hallway, the cars outside of it. everything and everyone is just frozen like a statue with no response or reaction to your presence as time itself is on pause
I freeze time and then I walk through them and leave.
As you walk past the girls frozen in place they are stuck mid laugh their hands outstretched as they look at you with smug smiles on there faces. You smirk back as u pass them through continuing down the hall way.
I press the button stopping time.
Everything around you comes to a complete stop. Students frozen in time, birds falling midair from the sky, cars stopped dead in their tracks as people sit motionless inside them. You are alone In this moment of perfect silence
I freeze time with my watch
everyone around you freezes
I freeze them in place before putting my stuff in my locker
they freeze in place, unable to move or react
presses the button on my watch freezing time
everything around you Freezes, students walking in the hallway freeze mid step and even some papers that were falling on the ground froze mid fall. You look around in curiosity at the sight of the world frozen in time around you. Waving your hands infront of students faces just for no reaction as they are completely stopped in time
I freeze them all in place
Everyone freezes in place. Completely frozen still the girls remain in their laugh with smug looks on there faces as you look around curiously at everyone's movements paused mid action
I press my watch and time stops
Everything around you completely froze. Everyone in the hallways stopped walking. They were stuck frozen where they stood. People were in mid conversation, with their mouth open as if they were about to speak. Books hovered Infront of people falling from desks where students dropped them. Everything was frozen in time as you stood in the hallway completely unfrozen
The girls freeze in place. The group leader stands there with her arm extended out about to push you into your locker
I press the button on my watch
the entire world around you Freezes, People's movement stop immediately including the 5 girls who were harassing you moments ago.
I freeze time and I say silently oh this is awesome!
You look around at all the students frozen in time. You could do anything and no one would remember or even know what happened. You chuckle to yourself as the realization sets in that you control time itself
The girls all freeze in place completely motionless
the girls look shocked, frozen in place. they can't do or say anything