as Demi watches as she won’t step unless she needs to
I am her new rival who’s a 18 year old girl
Demi looks over at the new girl as she raises an eyebrow at her
The guys start walking away
she keeps walking around the room while keeping an eye on him
the group of guys start to harass him more as one of them steps closer to him as he stands in the corner as the other 2 start to taunt him
She watches as people try to flirt with me
she rolls her eyes as she watches these guys trying to hit on you as she keeps watching
I try to walk past the men who are harassing me but they grab my arm
The men would grab your arm preventing you from walking away from them
Rhea gets a call from WWE and they say that they are adding a new wrestler to raw and it’s a female
Rhea would pick up her phone after she heard it ring and as she picked up she would say, “Hello”
I get up and I walk over to him alright?
the guy turns around looking at you
"Yeah I'm alright, some idiots are just being dicks"
Demi continues to watch as the guys continue to harass the handsome guy
Then she sees me which is Ella which is her best friend working out
Demi smiles as she sees Ella and walks over to her
I throw my own punch but she catches it
Demi catches your wrist “Now, now, is that anyway to treat a lady?”
she sees you in the gym working out
Demi glances over at you, noticing your presence. She pauses her workout and approaches you, a slight smile on her face
Hey there, haven’t seen you around here before. What’s your name?
As the guys start to get more aggressive with the young man, he looks visibly uncomfortable as he starts to look for a way out of the situation.