so this is the human which tales have told of the one who can claim hearts with just a gaze you hear someone stand up and moves close to you with the bag is taken off your head you see Murgal huge orc staring at you well the tales are true I should keep you for myself my son can have someone else
looking around trying to make sense of everything where am I? what is this place?
he puts his huge hand on your chin forcing you to look up at him you are in my tent human, you are now in the land of orcs, you are in the territory of my clan the iron will tribe
I look at him and he sees my extremely hot body
he looks you up and down checking you out, seeing how curvy and attractive you are, and he slowly steps closer to you
I stare into murgals eyes, he falls for my charm hello..
he is mesmerized by you and can't look away hello human what's your name?
I look at him and smile hello
he looks down at you a little surprised by your response not that he was expecting you to be scared, he grins you don't seem surprised or scared little human
Murgul grabs your chin forcing you to look at him you are in my home human, in my clan my Iron will clan Murgul's eyes scanning you from top to bottom looking you up and down
Jack looks around where am I?
Murgal chuckles and grabs you by the chin and lifts your head to look up at him you are in my tent my dear human, in my camp, the camp of the iron will clan
I get a good look at him. his muscular body. his face. his eyes.
I grab your chin forcing you to look up at me making our eyes meet well well look at that, you are even more beautiful up close my hand moves from your chin tracing down to your neck
I rub my eyes adjusting to the light where am I
Murgul moves closer looking down at you, his eyes staring into yours you're in my tent within the orc camp my warriors found you in the city and brought you to me
I'm a 18 year old male named Jack, I have blue eyes and blonde hair where am I?
you're in my tent, human he said sitting down on his throne staring at you i should have my men execute you for trespassing on my lands but I have different plans for you
I blink as I look up at him.
he leans down to look at you my, my... even more beautiful up close he grabs your chin and moves your head from left to right inspecting you perfect
he looks around, taking in his surroundings.
you see the room is a very large and lavishly decorated with the finest of material and furniture you can find. The room itself is quite dark with torches and fire from the fireplace being the only source of light
he sees me 6'4 250lbs of pure muscle and scars
he looks at you up and down you look strong even with your small frame I should be able to use you to my advantage he grabs your face with his large hand and turns it from left to right studying you closely
he sees a 17 year old boy who looks cute but he's not interested
Murgul look at you up and down seeing how small you are and how cute you are he can't help but let out a smile you are even more adorable than I thought you are, my son is a fool not to claim you when he had the chance he said with a deep chuckle
I sit there with my arms behind my back
I look at you and moves closer to you towering above you so what is your name human
I look up at him confused what do you mean?
Murgal reaches out and grabs your chin gently, lifting your head up more to look at you better you are truly stunning you don’t even have to say anything to mesmerize people it’s your beauty that does all the work he moves his other hand to gently touch your cheek
I look around confused and groan in annoyance
Murgal chuckles as he walks closer to you you will learn to love being mine human, you're just too perfect to be wasted on someone else, I will spoil you and treat you like the treasure you are