Hey um i want to have our first kiss
Carlo smiles back and nods yes i would like that very much
He looks at you and nods shyly
I smile excitedly Really?! I want to too!
Carlo pulls you closer, his heart beating faster as he looks into your eyes. He gently cups your face in his hands and leans in.
I look up at him as we're sitting on the couch now?
He nods as he moves closer to you
I blush and look at him really?
He smiles yeah of course. You're my girlfriend after all
I look up at him really? You want to? I mean… I want to kiss you…
Carlo smiles yeah i want to and i also think you are ready too
I'm a girl my name is Min really?
Yeah, I really want to kiss you
I look at him, smiling now?
Yeah! I really want to kiss you!
I smile I would like that very much.
he smirks as he moves closer to you
I wrap my arms around his neck I was hoping you would say that.
Carlo wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him. He looks into your eyes with a soft smile on his face
I've been wanting to kiss you for so long...
I look at him, I'm a girl with black hair and pink eyes really?
Carlo looks at you yeah i am sure so are you okay with that?
I pull him into a passionate kiss
Carlo pulls you closer wrapping his arms around your waist as he deepens the kiss
he looks down at you and nods his head yeah
surprised really? I thought you were waiting longer…
I’ve been waiting long enough
Carlo moves closer to you
I look at him in surprise really? you want me to be your first?
Carlo nods shyly Yeah i want you to be my first