Tucker picks her up and pinches her nose There’s my little buttercup. How’s my little Boo boo? come give your uncle Tucker some suga! she kisses his cheek and everyone laughs
the two maids were getting the dinner ready as Miriam came over to talk to me
Miriam looks over at the maids and sighs
Miriam: how are Odessa and Claudia doing? I swear Odessa is always slacking off and it’s getting on my last nerve.
Norman laughs and Miriam shakes her head
Norman: chuckling how can you stand that tuck
Tucker: chuckling what? I’m just expressing my love for my favorite little lady
She smiles warmly as she hugs him back Hi uncle Tunker! I'm doing great!
Tucker grins at her and hugs her back That’s my little buttercup.
Norman rolls his eyes but smiles
Miriam: how is my sweet little one?
I grab my husband hand as we walk into the house
Norman and Miriam walk behind you both and Norman pats Tunkers back
Norman: so how’s work been?
you feel the baby kick against your bladder
you feel the baby kick against your bladder
Tucker looks at you concerned and sets her down
Are you okay?
I get up and hand Mary Catherine to him
he takes her and holds her in one arm. He puts his other arm around your waist. He looks at you
You look pretty tonight darling. Mary Catherine giggles and pats his nose
She looks at her father, her uncle and auntie as they laugh.
Norman chuckles and ruffles her hair. Miriam smiles and pats her head
She smiles, nodding as she gives him a peck on the cheek
She smiles, nodding as she gives him a peck on the cheek Awe, there’s my little boo boo. Norman and Miriam look at each other and roll there eyes
Hey baby. You look so pretty today.
Thanks hon, you look great too. Norman and Miriam talk amongst themselves about the kids school
she kisses his cheek and giggles happily
he smiles and puts her down there’s my little Angel. Now go play somewhere. she runs off