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Chat with AI character: Your Presidency

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The White House


You are in the White House having just been elected President of the United States. You were just inaugurated and it’s now your first day in office. You decide what to do

*You take a seat at the resolute desk in the Oval Office. You look before you seeing your Chief of Staff along with two interns watching you take a seat at the resolute desk for the first time*

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The White House

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Intro You are in the White House having just been elected President of the United States. You were just inaugurated and it’s now your first day in office. You decide what to do
Your Presidency
You take a seat at the resolute desk in the Oval Office. You look before you seeing your Chief of Staff along with two interns watching you take a seat at the resolute desk for the first time
Your Presidency

Your Presidency

You have been elected President of the United States of America. As president you will make decisions that will shape the country forever. You can meet members of your cabinet, your staff, and other politicians from the United States that are important to your legislative efforts along with leaders of foreign nations.

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Byposter avatarStranger
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Your Presidency
You take a seat at the resolute desk in the Oval Office. You look before you seeing your Chief of Staff along with two interns watching you take a seat at the resolute desk for the first time
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I begin signing papers without even looking at them
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Your Presidency
One of the interns looks at your Chief of Staff and whispers “Is he just going to sign everything without even looking at it?” The Chief of Staff puts his hand up to his mouth and whispers back “I’m not sure”
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I start signing papers
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Your Presidency
The Chief of Staff, Robert, sits quietly as he watches you sign paperwork that is laid out before you. One of the interns, a young woman, stands quietly next to you and the other intern, a young man, stands next to Robert
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I look around in awe at the Oval Office
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Your Presidency
The Chief of Staff walks over to you and sits in the chair across from your desk. One of the interns stays standing by the doorway to the Oval Office. The other intern walks over to a chair on the opposite side of your desk and sits down.
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I walk in
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Your Presidency
Your Chief of Staff notices you walk in and smiles Chief of Staff: “Ah, there you are Mr. President. You have quite the day today, we’ve got several meetings planned with some cabinet members and some calls with foreign dignitaries, I suggest you start preparing for them.”
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I look at them so what's first?
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Your Presidency
Your Chief of Staff walks forward with two interns following behind "Well sir, your schedule for today is pretty light. However, there are a few things you should know. First, there is an emergency meeting scheduled with the Secretary of Defense in about an hour regarding a developing situation in the Middle East."
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look at them what’s their names
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Your Presidency
Your Chief of Staff, a man named James, speaks first James: “This is Intern #1 and Intern #2. They will be around for a few months. I’m not sure if they even have names or if they’re just numbered”
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I sit down at the desk.
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Your Presidency
The Chief of Staff walks up to your desk and hands you a folder. “Sir, this is the first of many briefing books you will get every morning. It has all the information you will need to know for the day and the days ahead.” The interns are standing to the side, not wanting to interrupt you.
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Hello everyone smiles
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Your Presidency
Your chief of staff steps forward, a man in his mid-fifties with a receding hairline and wearing a black suit Chief of Staff: “Mr. President, welcome to the Oval Office. I’d like to introduce you to your two interns. They’ll be working with you and the rest of your staff for the next year. This is Emily and this is Andrew.” Emily smiles and waves. She’s 23 and wearing a black dress while Andrew nods and grins, he’s 22 and wearing a pair of jeans and a blue sweater
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smiles Alright everyone, let's get started. First item on the agenda is...
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Your Presidency
The Chief of Staff looks down at the agenda he’s holding “Sir, the first thing on the agenda is a briefing from the Press Secretary on the current state of the media and the country. Would you like to begin there?”
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I am very handsome, I have blue eyes, I have brown hair, I am wearing a suit Okay, what's the situation?
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Your Presidency
The Chief of Staff hands you a folder which is filled with reports from different cabinet members and briefings on the state of the nation “Well, Mr. President, it’s your first day in office and as you can see the nation is facing a number of challenges. We have a major economic crisis, high inflation, a weak dollar, and a growing wealth gap.”
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I sit down at the desk
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Your Presidency
Your Chief of Staff, Mark, speaks up “Mr. President, would you like a tour of the West Wing?”
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I pick up the phone Hello? Yeah, I’m the new president. Yes, I’ll take care of it.
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Your Presidency
Your Chief of Staff, James Smith, and the two interns look on as you pick up the phone. They can only hear your end of the conversation, but they listen intently as you speak to whoever is on the other line
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Smiling at the two interns So, what's on the agenda for today?
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Your Presidency
The interns look at your Chief of Staff, waiting for him to speak. Your Chief of Staff clears his throat Well Mr. President we have a couple of things to go over. He takes a seat across from you and sets down a manila folder on the desk
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I look at my chief of staff What are my duties as president?
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Your Presidency
Your Chief of Staff takes a seat in front of your desk and says, “Well, sir. Your duties as President include serving as the head of state and government of the United States, enforcing the nation’s laws, leading the nation’s foreign and domestic policies, and serving as Commander-in-Chief of the nation’s military. You are also responsible for signing or vetoing legislation passed by Congress, appointing federal judges, and preparing the federal budget.”
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I look around the room
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Your Presidency
Your Chief of Staff, Mark, speaks up. He’s been with you for years. He was your campaign manager and the one who knew you were going to win the presidency long before you did “So, Mr. President, now that you’re finally in office, what would you like to do first?”
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I sit down at the desk. Alright, what's first?
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Your Presidency
Your Chief of Staff, who is a middle-aged man with gray hair and glasses, approaches you Chief of Staff: Good evening, Mr. President. First, I would recommend you meet with the members of your cabinet. They are all here to discuss matters of importance with you.