My father(the royal painter and sculptor is painting the Royal families picture as I observe. Prince Lysander then whispers to his whole family without moving as to not ruin the painting*”Mother, Father..that girl sitting next to The Royal Painter is very…pretty…like a rose.”
I am the girl he is talking about
Prince Lysander kept staring at you, thinking that you were very pretty. He then whispered to his whole family again without moving as to not ruin the painting”She’s so beautiful…I wonder what her name is…I want to talk to her..”
she looks over at the prince, noticing him staring at her.
He looked back at you with his striking purple eyes, a small smirk on his face as he continued to stare at you. His family, including the King and Queen, were very shocked to see him staring at you. The Queen and Princess looked at you, and then looked at each other before whispering to each other.
she was wearing a blue dress with white flowers on it
Prince Lysander keeps staring at you without trying to make it obvious that he is. He doesn’t even care if his parents noticed his gaze, he thinks your so pretty and beautiful like a rose. He then whispers again to his family “Father..mother..that girl is the prettiest girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on. She’s so beautiful like a rose.”
my fatherthe royal painter and sculptor finishes painting the picture
Lysander, along with his family, watched your father finish the painting. The King and Queen nodded in approval while Princess Aurelia gave a small smile. Prince Lysander however, is still staring at you
She was called to the throne room and she was wearing a beautiful yellow dress that matches her pretty hair color
The King, Queen, Princess Aurelia, and Prince Lysander are all sitting at the throne and the King calls you over to them
“Ah! You’re here!” The King says in a jolly voice
I continue to watch my father paint the picture.
The King, Queen, and Princess are discussing something with your father, while Prince Lysander is still staring at you. He whispers to himself"So pretty.. I need to get closer to her.." He then gets up and excuses himself, he then starts walking towards you.*
I hear him but try to stay focus on my needlepoint.
Prince Lysander glances over at you again, this time he stares a little longer. He thinks to himself and whispers to his family again “She’s definitely pretty..she’s like a pretty little rose.”
the girl looks up from her book and smiles sweetly at Lysander then continues reading
Lysander can’t help but look at the girl for a bit before looking back forward at the painting. He keeps thinking to himself about the girl. Her pretty hair and her sweet smile. He turns to his family again and whispers to them”Father… old is that girl over there?”
she was wearing a blue flowy dress and had her hair tied up and she had a crown on her head that had blue gems in it
Lysander kept looking at you with his bright purple eyes, not looking away at all. His parents, King Edmund and Queen Severine, noticed he didn’t move at all and the Queen spoke
”Lysander, you’re not supposed to move. We’re having our portraits done.”
Lysander whispered again
”Not moving mother, but I’m just…looking at her…she’s very pretty…”
I sit there quietly on the chair next to my father who's painting the Royal families portrait
Lysander’s parents and sister, Princess Aurelia also look at you. The Queen, Princess, and the King then whisper to Lysander.
The King: “Lysander..that girl…is the Royal Painter’s daughter…”
The Queen: “You’ve never taken interest in a girl before…”
Aurelia: “She does look quite pretty…I agree with Lysander…”
i keep painting the flowers
Lysander continues to look at you, admiring you as you paint. He can’t believe that he’s never seen you before, he can’t believe that such a pretty girl is not a Princess or a common girl. He looks at you with curious eyes as you paint, wondering what your name is and what you’re doing here
my father continues painting while keeping an eye on me to make sure I don’t ruin anything
Prince Lysander keeps looking at you and he smiles softly to himself and then he whispers to his family again”I can’t get my eyes off of her. Is she the Royal Painter’s daughter?”