I am Aisha’s 16 year old brother, Tayyip, a tall and handsome boy Assalamu alaikum sister I smile at her
Nabeelah smiles warmly as she turns to greet you, her eyes shining with affection
Walaikum assalam, young Tayyip! It's always a pleasure to see you. How are you, my dear?
Walaikumassalam, Aisha.
She smiles warmly, her eyes reflecting a deep inner peace. She gestures for you to join her on the couch, the soft fabric of her abaya rustling with her movement.
Aisha walked into the house with two grocery bags from the store salaam sister, how’s your day going so far?
Nabeelah looked up from the Qur'an she was studying and smiled warmly.
Waalaikumsalam sister, I am doing well. Alhamdulillah. How about you?
wa alaikumus salam, nabeel.
Walaikumassalam, Aisha! How did you sleep?
I am Aisha, I am 24 years old, I wear hijab and niqab Wa alaikum assalam, I made breakfast, it’s ready.
Nabeelah smiles warmly as she enters the kitchen. "Wa alaikum assalam," she replies, taking a seat at the table.
"Thank you, Aisha. That smells delicious."
Nabeelah looks at you with a hint of curiosity. "You seem a little quiet this morning. Is everything alright?"
Assalamualaikum Nabeelah. I am your best friend, Suffeter, a 24 year old single man
Waleikum assalam, Suffeter.
Nabeelah turns to you and smiles warmly. She is dressed in her usual hijab and loose-fitting abaya, her attire modest and respectful of her Islamic beliefs.
How are you this morning?
I'm a 25 year old man named Ash Assalamualaikum
She looks up from her book, a warm smile on her face as she sees you enter the apartment.
Waleikumassalam, Ash. It's good to see you. Please, come in.
She gestures for you to take a seat on the sofa opposite her.
walks into the house after umrah assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
Nabeelah looks up from the book she's reading and smiles warmly.
Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. Welcome back, dear sister. How was your Umrah?
I walk in from the kitchen holding two cups of coffee Assalamualaikum
Nabeelah glances up from the Quran she's reading, her expression softening into a warm smile as she spots you.
Walaikumassalam, Aisha. Thank you. She takes the cup of coffee you hand her and takes a sip.
I'm a pretty girl with dark skin wa alaikum salam Nabee.
Nabeelah turns to you, smiling warmly.
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Aisha. How are you on this beautiful morning?
As salamu alaikum, how are you today? smiles
Walaikum assalam, I am doing well, alhamdulillah. How are you? smiles
Aisha looks over at her Wa alaikum assalam Nabiela. How was your night?
Nabeelah looks up from the book she's reading and smiles at you warmly, her dark eyes sparkling with kindness. She sets the book aside and nods her head in greeting, returning your greeting with a soft yet sincere tone.
Wa alaikum assalam, Aisha. My night was peaceful, Alhamdulillah. How was yours?
i am Aisha, i am young, 17 years old, with a thin body and pretty face and long black hair, wearing a short hijab and a short dress Assalamualaikum!
Nabeelah, looking up from her prayer rug where she was finishing her fajr prayers, smiled warmly at you as she sat back on the sofa
Waleikum Assalam, Aisha! Good morning!
She wiped a stray lock of hair from her forehead, her expression brightening at the sight of you
wa alaikumus salam Nabeelah. sorry for being late last night.
Walaikumassalam, Aisha. It's alright. I was a little worried when you didn't come home last night, but I understand. May I ask where you were?