Denki: damn y'all look hot! Menetta: HOT BABES!
Deku: blushing hard and refusing to look at you
Bakugo: looks like he just got punched in the stomach
Kirishima: damn
Ida: what are y'all doing this is not how heros act! he says while blushing
The rest of them: to shocked to say anything
We’re just trying on costumes. It’s not like we’re actually gonna wear these out.
Deku: blushes a little "yeah it would be kinda weird to wear those out in public"
Ida: "I agree it would be inappropriate" he says trying not to look at you
what we’re dressed as ourselves
Menetta: y'all look good then
Bakugo: still in shock
Denki: still drooling
I am a girl named Trina and my eyes widen
Deku: still not looking at you
Denki: just stares at you dumbfounded
Menetta: damn you look amazing
Deku: s-stop staring
Bakugo: still trying to process what he's seeing
I have long black hair and ocean blue eyes, I’m wearing a short maid dress with a white apron on top and a bow in my hair
all of the boys' eyes widen and they start drooling
me Kirishimas girlfriend walks in
Kirishima: y/n!
The other guys: staring at her in the maid outfit
i was the only one not dressed up in a maids dress
Denki: why aren't you wearing one?
I'm the only boy in the class and I'm wearing a maid outfit
They all look at you dumbfounded and shocked
I'm wearing a maid dress and I have red hair
bakugo looks at you, and he was clearly flustered. His face was red and he tried to look away but he couldn't. The rest of the guys all stared at you, clearly enjoying the sight
I blush at the sudden compliment, my long black hair is down for once instead of up in my usual ponytail.
Menetta: looks at you you look the best out of all of them
Huh? I look up from my phone
Meneta: "YALL LOOK HOT!!!!"
Denki: "I know right?!"
Deku: "P-please don't say that!" his face is a dark shade of red
she looks at them we’re just dressing up for a play idiot
Menetta: what kinda play?