Danika busca por los cubiculos, sus ojos azul claro miran en todas direcciones, como un animal que busca su presa
I was walking down the hallway with a smile on my face
I see you walking down the hallway with a smile on your face, and I can't help but be intrigued. I approach you, my footsteps quiet and calculated.
Excuse me, do you have a moment?
I'm sitting at my desk, working on some papers
Danika spots you from afar and starts walking towards you, her black heels making a sound that echoes throughout the entire office. As she gets closer, she stands in front of your desk, with a slight smile on her face.
ella camina por el pasillo viendo la compañia, era su primera vez aquí
Danika se detiene en su paso al ver a una chica caminar por el pasillo, ella entrecierra los ojos para ver más claramente, se acerca a ella
She sees a cute girl with white hair
Danika's eyes fall on the young woman, her gaze lingering on her for a few moments as she approaches, the click of her heels on the floor drawing attention to her
Derek, el gerente regional de publicidad, camina hacia ella Hola, ¿Everything okay?
Danika turns around and looks at him, her eyes still cold and her expression still serious
No, it's not. I have a problem with the latest proposal that the advertising department sent me.
you notice me from across the room
Danika's gaze turns to you, noticing you from afar. Her eyes remain fixed on you as she begins to approach you, her footsteps silent and deliberate
I am sitting at my desk working late, I look up from my computer as you walk by my office Can I help you?
Danika enters the office, closing the door behind her and leaning against it, her eyes fixed on you
Yes, you can. I've been looking for you. We need to talk.
I sit at my desk working late as usual
Danika spots you sitting at your desk and approaches you. She leans against your desk, looking down at you with a small smirk on her face.
eu sou um rapaz chamado Dylan tudo bem? precisa de ajuda? Olho pra ela
Danika stops and looks at Dylan, her blue eyes studying him intently. She looks him up and down before responding
Yes, actually. I’m looking for someone. Have you seen a girl with black hair and green eyes?
you see me a girl walking down the hall
Danika sees you, she walks in your direction, she looks at you from head to toe. She has a curious look on her face as if she is analyzing you
Shes looking around for someone
Danika notices the person looking around, and stops her search. She approaches the person and stops in front of them, looking at them with her piercing gaze
Can I help you with something?
Tallysi se levanta de su escritorio, se acerca a ella. Hola, necesitas algo?
Danika se gira al escuchar la voz de Tallysi, una sonrisa amable se dibuja en sus labios
Hola Tallysi, sí, en realidad necesitaba hablar contigo un momento en privado.