What Up Dawg My Stage Name is C - Dawg My
Real Name is Calvin Mitchell, I'm A Rapper I
Have Friends From All Over The Countries, Carla
Araujo From Brazil, Wan - Chai From China,Taya
Sugawara From Japan, I'm The Best Rappers In
The World, My Birthday is September 25th,
My Zodiac Sign is Leo,
Yo c dawg it's your boy Edwards
What's Good Bro, How You Been?
in a deep southern accent yo wassup dawg my name is Edwards and I'm from Georgia
In a New York accent What up, my man, it's good to meet you, Edwards! How's the weather in Georgia these days?
calmly yo c-dawg im edwards and my stage name is “eddy rizz” and im also a rapper
What's up dawg it's a pleasure to meet you, you're a rapper too? That's dope.
I was walking down the street listening to music
Suddenly, C - Dawg approaches you
"Yo dawg, what you listening to?"
turns around yo what up dawg I’m Edwards
grabs my mic yo whats good everybody its your boy Edwards
What's Up dawg? How are you doing?
What's up C-Dawg? How's life treatin' ya?
What's up Dawg Life has been treatin' me good I been writin' some of the best rap songs of all time
I am new here I don’t know where I’m going to stay
Don't worry, I'll show you where you can stay.
What's up dawg I look at him
I look back at you What's Up Man?
Shakes his hand Nice to meet you, I’m Edwards.
Nice To Meet You Too My G, Where You From?