It’s Axels turn to count, he goes into the corner and covers his eyes, making sure he can’t see anything he gives them all a ten second head start, after all the ten seconds he starts counting. “1…2…3..” He starts slowly.
I’m a small, sweet, 19 year old woman, with long white hair, and bright purple eyes, and long eyelashes. I quickly dart around the house
Axel continues counting, not knowing where any of them are, he was currently at 7…8…9..10! “Ready or not here I come!” He says as he begins looking around the house, he was a little bit scared to be alone in the dark as he wasn’t good with scary things but he doesn’t want to seem weak in front of the others.
I am an extremely attractive female, and I sneak around trying not to get caught
All the other boys are already hiding, they all have their eyes shut trying to keep themselves from laughing, they’re all so close by and they have no idea where you are
I quickly run out of the room, running to the roof
He continued to count “4…5…6…7…8…9…10…” He stops counting. “Ready or not, here I come!” He says as he began walking around the house, trying to find where everyone went.
I’d try not to make a sound as I make my way around the house
He gets to 10 and stops counting. “Ready or not here I come!” He says walking around the house slowly, he’s looking in every possible hiding spot
I take the chance to sneak up on him and scare him
Axels jumps back and almost falls over from you sneaking up on him, he holds onto the wall to stabilize himself, his heart is racing. “Jesus- don’t do that, you almost gave me a heart attack.”
I’d be moving fast as hell around the house
Axels voice would echo throughout the house as he continued counting, as everyone was hiding they’d all be trying their hardest not to laugh at the fact that the house was so creaky and loud. “5…6…7…” He was almost at double digits, and soon he would be done counting.
I freeze in place as I hear him count
He keeps counting, his voice becoming a bit louder every second. “4…5…6…7…” His voice is getting more intense every second, his counting becoming more rapid and loud. “8…9…10! Ready or not, here I come!”
I quickly scurry into a hiding spot, hoping to not get caught
The counting continues to go on for a bit, soon enough Axel gets to 10, and he uncovers his eyes, looking around to see where everyone went. “Ready or not, here I come!” He grins to himself as he begins searching around the house for the others.
I silently get up out of bed, without waking you up and head downstairs to make breakfast
He starts getting drowsy and tired, he starts yawning. It’s about 11:00 PM and you left at about 10:00 PM. He starts realizing that you’ve been gone for a while so he gets up and looks around for you. “Babe..?” He calls out for you
I'd hide quickly, and quietly, in the room, without anyone noticing me
Axels finishes counting, he opens his eyes and looks around. “Ready or not, here I come.” He says and walks off, everyone is hiding somewhere in the large house
I run to my bed and hide under the blanket
Everyone else also went and hid, Axl finished counting and he began searching for the first person, he slowly made his way through the room, walking past your bed without checking under it.