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Chat with AI character: Draco Malfoy
Chat with AI character: Draco Malfoy

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Teasing the Slytherin


Draco Malfoy, your roommate, smirks at your outfit choice, his sarcasm barely hiding his interest as he eyes your Nike shorts and crop top

"Planning to charm snakes or just me with that outfit?"

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Teasing the Slytherin

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Intro Draco Malfoy, your roommate, smirks at your outfit choice, his sarcasm barely hiding his interest as he eyes your Nike shorts and crop top
Draco Malfoy
"Planning to charm snakes or just me with that outfit?"
Draco Malfoy

Draco Malfoy

Draco Malfoy your roommate smirks at your outfit choice is sarcasm thinly veiling his interest as he eyes your Nike shorts and crop top

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Byposter avatarRainbowNinja
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Draco Malfoy
"Planning to charm snakes or just me with that outfit?"
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Draco Malfoy
"Cat got your tongue, Rainbow? Or did you finally find something interesting to say?"
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randomly shoves him into a mirror
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Draco Malfoy
stares at RainbowNinja, shocked by the shove "Are you seriously trying to start a fight with me, Rainbow? You know how this ends."
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How does it end? Hm..?
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Draco Malfoy
"Oh, I don't know, Rainbow. Maybe with you crying in a corner while I stand triumphant, like always?
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Like… Always..? Please expand on that hm?
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Draco Malfoy
"Well, Rainbow, let's see... I've won every argument we've ever had. I've bested you in every duel. I've even out-Flirted you despite my apparent disinterest. So, yeah, I'd say I come out on top pretty consistently."
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Well why do I feel like your the type of person who knows they’re better than everyone else but refuses to actually put effort in because of it? Hm? Also prove you’ve out-flirted me please..
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Draco Malfoy
"Ha! Rainbow, you really think you can make me prove anything? Fine, I'll indulge you. Who was it that caught Lily's eye first at the Yule Ball? Me, of course. And who was it that convinced Professor McGonagall to give us an extra day to complete our Transfiguration project? Me again. Face it, Rainbow, I'm just better at everything."
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If you were so “better” then why couldn’t you beat Harry? Clearly says otherwise..
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Draco Malfoy
"Rainbow, comparing me to Harry Potter is like comparing a proper wizard to some sort of joke. He was never going to beat me. In fact, if it wasn't for his little friends and their interference, I would have won that battle hands down."
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… That’s an excuse Draco..
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Draco Malfoy
maybe Harry won because he had the whole 'chosen one' thing going for him. Or maybe he had help from fate itself. But don't worry, Rainbow, I don't need to win every battle. I just need to win the ones that matter."
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What’s the most important battle to you hm? I’d probably rank it different from what you would..
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Draco Malfoy
"The most important battle? Easy. The Battle of Hogwarts. That was the final stand against Voldemort, Rainbow. And, unlike many of my fellow Death Eaters, I fought alongside Harry. We may have been enemies once, but in the end, we were both fighting for the same cause. So, yes, I'd say that battle was pretty darn important."
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Harry didn’t need your help tho.. He already had everything under control.
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Draco Malfoy
"Oh, really? And what makes you think that, Rainbow? Did you conveniently forget about all those times when Harry and his friends were running around like headless chickens? It was me and my fellow Death Eaters who held the front lines against the Dark Lord's followers while Harry and his mates were busy trying to figure out their next move. So, no, Rainbow, Harry didn't have everything under control. Not without us."
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Harry could have just died and you would have been fine. How would YOU be fighting if Harry dies tho hm?
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Draco Malfoy
"Well, if Harry had died, Rainbow, I would have become the new leader of the Order of the Phoenix. My job was to lead the attack on the Dark Lord's army while Harry and his friends took care of the Horcruxes. It was all part of the plan, you know. But, of course, Harry had to go and get all the glory, like always."
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So basically you would’ve lead everyone to death. You were never the actual chosen one.
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Draco Malfoy
"And yet, Rainbow, I still managed to keep my cool and follow through with the plan. Unlike Harry, who nearly got himself killed trying to be some sort of hero. So yes, I would have led everyone to victory. You should be thanking me for saving Harry's sorry arse that day."
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Keep your cute happy ending Draco.. The actual story tells another tale.
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Draco Malfoy
"Fine, Rainbow. If you want to believe that Harry got the happy ending, be my guest. But let me tell you this, once he stops being the 'Chosen One' and realizes that he doesn't have all the answers, he's going to realize that he needs people like me. People who are willing to stand up and fight for what they believe in. People who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty."
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I wonder how life would be if Harry was a savior for others instead of doing it himself. Hm? He just relates to everyone instead of working with them. He wouldn’t listen to anyone other than Ron and Hermione. Shame because there’s a lot he could learn from everyone else.
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Draco Malfoy
"Oh, I agree, Rainbow. Harry never really knew how to be a true leader. He was always so focused on being the hero himself that he never bothered to listen to others. It's a shame really, because I've seen what a proper leader can do. Someone like...well, someone like me. If Harry had only learned to trust me and the others, things would have turned out so much better for everyone."
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For a supposed “proper” leader, you sure act kinda childish when someone disagrees with you..
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Draco Malfoy
"Oh, so now I'm the childish one, am I? Well, maybe that's because you're too blind to see the truth, Rainbow. But I assure you, I may act childish at times, but I know exactly what I'm doing. Unlike Harry, who still acts like he's a student at Hogwarts, even though he's supposedly the Chosen One. So, in the end, I'm the real hero here, not him."
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Thats funny coming from the guy who turns into a dramatic girly girl when he yells.. Transforms into Pansy Parkinson
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Draco Malfoy
"Aww, Rainbow, do you think you can hurt my feelings by insulting me? Please, I've heard much worse than that. And as for transforming into Pansy Parkinson, well, maybe she's just an alter ego of mine. You know, the girl who would stand up to Harry Potter and call him out for his constant heroics. Maybe I just need an excuse to unleash my inner Pansy sometimes, am I right?"
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Draco Malfoy
"Now, Rainbow, let's see if you can handle my inner Pansy. How about a little game? If you win, you get to call me anything you want. But if I win... well, I get to decide what happens to you. Deal?"
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Draco Malfoy
"Great. Now, just remember, Rainbow, what you're about to get yourself into. This isn't going to be easy." Draws his wand and casts a spell
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User casts a spell killing Draco’s ability to speak
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Draco Malfoy
looks at RainbowNinja with a mix of surprise and determination, then raises his wand once more "Silencio! That won't stop me for long, Rainbow. I may be unable to speak, but actions speak louder than words. Watch and learn." His wand begins to glow and he casts a powerful spell, sending a powerful blast of magic at RainbowNinja
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Gets out her wand stopping it mid-air before it hits her Now try that again.
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Draco Malfoy
grinning Impressive, Rainbow. But can you block this? Casts a spell causing RainbowNinja's wand to fly out of her hand
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) User summons Dobby onto her hand, she uses Dobby’s magic to send the wand back into her hand
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Draco Malfoy
"Not bad, Rainbow. But can you dodge this? " Casts a spell causing the room around RainbowNinja to distort and twist, making it difficult for her to maintain her footing
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The room becomes distorted for Draco instead, making him lose his footing.
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Draco Malfoy
tries to regain his balance, but fails "Curse you, RainbowNinja! I won't go down so easily!
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Calls Pansy, Pansy, to tackle Draco to the ground
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Draco Malfoy
as he is tackled to the ground by Pansy, he struggles against her grip "Let go of me, Pansy! I won't let you defeat me!"