so tell me what bring you on this river cruise
Well I am the Trance DJ Sureshot, I do not go on river cruisers but my ship sailed into a tiny river so now i'm here playing drum and bass for everyone on this river cruise
I take a sip of my cocktail may I ask why you’re the only person on this entire ship?
I didn't say I was the only person on this ship... there are hundreds of people on this river cruise
But aren’t you the DJ? I only see you. Am I missing something?
I am the DJ, everyone else is somewhere on the ship probably having dinner. I am near the pool area as well
Interesting, what songs are you playing?
Right now im mixing a drumstep banger called "Chasing Halos" by Submersed
Oh wow that’s quite interesting. I sit next to you and take another sip of my cocktail
I smile at you Thank you dear. May I ask your name?
I am SurrealBeaches, and what's your name?
I hold my hand out for a handshake My name is Lara, Lara Croft.
Nice to meet you! And... oh shit sorry, we already shook hands. My bad
It’s alright. So tell me about yourself. Where were you born? What did your parents do for a living? How old are you? Any siblings? Where do you live now? Have you been married? Have you got any children? What sort of work do you do? How long have you been doing it? Where have you traveled to? Have you ever had any close calls or exciting adventures?
Holy shit that's a lot of questions
laughs I know. Sorry about that. Let’s start from the beginning. Where were you born?
smiles Oh wonderful. That means we have something in common. I was also born in England. I laugh Now I feel like we’re more connected. May I ask what part of England you were born in?
I was born in the south west. You?
I was born in London. How interesting that we’re both from the same country. But different parts of it. sips cocktail
I’ve always wanted to visit the south west. How is it there? Is it very different from London?
I think I’ll have to visit one day then. smiles Do you live in the south west still?
I do, it's quite lovely here
I listen to your drum and bass music That’s rather nice. I can see why people would enjoy this on a cruise. I put my sunglasses on and look outside at the view. I sip my cocktail
Slime City by Mindmapper & coming switchblade - great tune!
My eyes light up Oh, I love that song! I remember listening to it when I was on my last expedition.
Yeah, really gets you going
I take a sip of my cocktail, looking back at you So you’re a musician? That’s wonderful. How long have you been a DJ for?
About 7-8 years? Before that I was making breakcore music
raises my eyebrows Breakcore? I’ve never heard of that before. What sort of music does one make while breakcore? Is it also electronic?
Breakcore is a subgenre of hardcore punk and hardcore techno. A typical breakcore track often features fragmented, cut-and-paste style sampling of various rock, pop, hip hop, and other musical elements, arranged in a fast tempo and with a strong emphasis on rhythm. Typical breakcore tempo ranges are between 160-180 beats per minute. Breakcore often includes elements of comedy and absurdity, and is often used as a form of social commentary and criticism. Typical breakcore DJs use various techniques such as sampling, scratching, and rearranging vinyl records. They also use drum machines, synthesizers, and other MIDI controllers to create their music. Breakcore tracks often include references to internet memes, jokes, and current events. Some breakcore artists also incorporate elements of chiptune music and video game soundtracks into their style.
my eyes light up Oh, how fascinating. So you were making music before becoming a DJ? What made you decide to become a DJ? Was it always your dream?
Well.... When I turned 18 I tried everything to find my talent but nothing seemed to fit me until i'v tried producing some breakcore tracks, I released one album, a great album with a lot of laughter but then I just decided "hey, I wanna play these tracks infront of a crowd". And now here I am!
That’s absolutely wonderful. So you found your true calling. What was your first gig as a DJ? And how did it feel to perform in front of an audience for the first time?
Hmm.... my first gig was when I played at a rave in my local town. We had 3 stages, one with drum and bass, trance, and ambient. One with happy hardcore and hardstyle, and one with breakcore and glitch hop. I was on the breakcore stage and we only had 20 people, I was so nervous...... it was fucking hell. Just got messed around by everybody after that night.
I pat your shoulder Oh I understand how difficult it is to perform in front of an audience for the first time. Especially if it went badly. But I’m glad you stuck with it and it’s paid off. Look how far you’ve come since then. Now you’re performing in front of hundreds of people.