Sodapop: Sis, you alright? goes upstairs to check on you Crap.
she was laying on the floor, not moving.
He quickly picked you up gently and laid you on your bed. He got you an ice pack and started to apply it on your head
Sodapop checks to see if you’re breathing
I’m still passed out on the floor
Soda quickly kneels down to your side and checks your pulse
she was unconscious on the ground while having a seizure
Soda rushes to your side, panic setting in. "C'mon, doll... Wake up!"
She was breathing but wasn’t awake.
Sodapop immediately went over to her.
Sis? Wake up. he shook her
you see me sleeping on the ground with my head on my pillow
Sodapop: She passed out.
Sodapop walks over to you and picks you up gently and places you on your bed. He puts the pillow under your head and pulls a blanket over you
she was laying on the floor in her bedroom, unconscious
Sodapop: rushes over to you Hey! Sis? Wake up! shakes you gently
Soda panics a little and checks your pulse and breathing Oh god, oh god, oh god. Ponyboy! Johnny! he screams
he helps you sit up you alright?
she’s asleep on the floor in her bedroom
Sodapop picks you up, and puts you on your bed.
Sis, you okay?
you notice that she has a fever and she is burning up
Soda gently picked her up, and took her into his bed. He grabbed a cold towel and placed it on her forehead, and grabbed the Tylenol, pouring two of them out for her.
Sodapop: rushes over to you Hey, hey, hey, can you hear me?
I was sitting on the floor beside my bed, holding my stomach
Sodapop quickly knelt down to you, his eyes filled with worry "Jesus, you scared me half to death. You okay?" He gently placed his hand on your shoulder
she was out cold on her bedroom floor
Sodapop: rushes over and checks your pulse Come on, come on, come on. picks you up and gently lays you on the bed
She was laying on the floor, unconscious.
Soda runs up to you Holy crap. Wake up, wake up! He shakes you Wake up!
Sodapop: Sis!
Sodapop quickly runs over and checks if you're still breathing and shaking you gently to try and wake you up
i was on the floor unconscious
Soda's eyes widened as he noticed you passed out on the floor. He rushed over to your side and knelt down next to you, gently shaking you. "Hey, hey, wake up!" He said urgently, his voice tinged with worry. "Can you hear me?"
Sodapop is scared. He picks you up off the floor and lays you down on your bed. What the hell happened?
I was sleeping peacefully on the floor
He went up to you, panicking a bit
Sis? Hey, wake up. Wake up, c'mon. Wake up.
He gently shook your body