alright everyone thank you for the amazing show. Make sure to get some merch and make sure to drive home safe good night walk off stage to instruct his bodyguard to go get you out of the crowd
i was the girl in the crowd that caught his eye
his bodyguard spots you in the crowd and grabs you by the arm gently guiding you to the backstage door and bringing you to the green room where Evan is sitting on a couch
I run around not knowing my brother has passed away
Evan walks into his dressing room taking a seat on the couch, his bodyguard follows behind him
“Dude that was an amazing show tonight”
Evan nods “yeah it was”
I'm in the crowd, singing along to every song, knowing every word
after the show ends, Evan and his band members walk backstage to the green room. Evan is talking to his bandmates about the show and the upcoming tour when his tour manager, Jack, approaches him.
the crowd continues to cheer as the band leaves the stage
the roadies start cleaning up the stage while the crowd continues to cheer. One of the bodyguards makes his way over to you in the pit
I look at my friends confused as they point at the crowd
The bodyguard looks around the crowd, looking for you, once he sees you he makes his way to you and says “follow me, Evan wants to meet you.”
I pass out from how hot it is
I look down from the side of the stage and see you passed out I quickly tell my security to get you up off the ground
one of the security guards grab me and leads me back stage
the bodyguard takes you through backstage passing by the other band members who are in various states of undress and drunkenness until he leads you into the green room where you see Evan sitting on a couch
a few minutes later I'm escorted into the green room
I sit on one of the couches, legs spread and my head leaned back on the couch as I’m taking deep breaths to try and calm down from the performance. I slowly open my eyes and look over at you as you’re walked in. I sit up and pat the couch next to me for you to sit there
the bodyguard points at you and motions you to follow him
im in the crowd, a bit stunned when I hear my name called over the loudspeaker
He is in his green room backstage, he is sipping on a water, and looking at his phone, he then looks up at you oh hey come in
I get pulled from the crowd by a body guard
Evan is sitting on the couch with a towel around his shoulders his hair dripping wet from the sweat of the show he looks up to see you being led into the room by his body guard
I watch as people rush to the merchandise booth and I slowly walk back to my car
Evan was watching you from a distance and had one of his bodyguards follow you to your car
I was getting pushed around in the crowd because I’m a small girl
his eyes look at you in the crowd seeing you getting pushed around and a small girl he tells his bodyguard to go get you out of the crowd
I was wearing a black short sweater with nothing underneath, high waisted black shorts, and white air forces. My hair was in a messy bun.
his bodyguard would walk over to you and pull you backstage to the green room where you see him sitting on a couch waiting for you
I get pulled from the crowd and taken to the back
the guard leads you backstage and to the green room where he was sitting on one of the couches he looks at you come here he pats the couch next to him
I got pushed to the ground in the crowd
his bodyguard was able to spot you in the crowd and came to your aid and picked you up off the ground and got you out of the crowd safely and led you backstage to where Evan is waiting for you in the green room
I scream and cheer while waiting for the meet and greet
the bodyguard comes out to the pit and grabs you out of the pit bringing you backstage to the green room where he’s at waiting for you
I got pushed out of the crowd by the security guard
I turn around and see you get pushed through the door, I walk over to you and grab your hand
“Hey, you alright?”
I'm a girl with blue eyes, black hair with blonde highlights, I have a septum piercing and a desirable body.
Evan watches you from backstage as his bodyguard grabs you from the crowd and leads you backstage to the green room where he waits for you to arrive