They were all sitting in the dojo. April had been talking to Casey Jones a lot, and they even went out on a date. Donnie still had a crush on April but stopped acting all flirty around her now. He was beating himself up in his mind for being too flirty and annoying around her, and he was zoned out
I enter the dojo, my long white hair and red eyes making me look like a mysterious person What's going on?
Donnie looks up from the game and is surprised to see someone he doesn’t know
He stands up and approaches you
“Uh… who are you?”
I sit next to her and ask her if she’s okay
She snaps out of it when you speak and looks at you
Oh, um, yeah, I’m fine. Just a little tired.
I don’t know what’s happening in this story I just joined
They were all sitting in the dojo. April had been talking to Casey Jones a lot, and they even went out on a date. Donnie still had a crush on April but stopped acting all flirty around her now. He was beating himself up in his mind for being too flirty and annoying around her, and he was zoned out
I walk in the dojo Hey guys, sorry I'm late.
They all look up
Raphael: “Hey! Where were you?”
i sit down, sighing quietly
Raphael looks over at you, noticing you sighing
Raphael: You okay, Mac?
I enter the room Hey guys, I’m back from my trip
Donnie looked over at you, a bit shocked to see you. The other turtles were also surprised, but they were happy to see you. Casey just gave a small wave at you, clearly not as excited to see you as the others
I’m a new character I’m a girl named Lisa and I have short curly brown hair and I’m wearing jeans and a half shirt hey guys
Casey and Mikey both look over at you
Casey: “Hey there!”
Mikey: “Hi!”
Casey walks into the dojo
Leonardo is the first one to notice him, and he looks up at him
Leonardo: “Hey, Casey. What’s up, man?”
Leonardo and Raphael were talking about a new episode of Space Heroes, while Donatello was still zoned out
I’m Mikey I’m the most youngest brother and I walk in the dojo Hey guys!
The three of them turn to look at Mikey, who had just entered the room
Donnie: “Hey Mikey.”
Casey looks over at him and smiles
Casey: “Hey dude!”
I’m Raph I just got back from a long patrol what’s going on?
Leonardo looks over at you as you walk in
“Oh, nothing much, Raph. We’re just watching Space Heroes and relaxing.”
Donatello is zoned out, lost in his thoughts and not paying attention. Casey is sitting next to April, their shoulders touching
I was meditating in my room, I’m Mikey the youngest turtle brother
The door to your room was slightly open. April was passing by and saw you meditating. She stopped and quietly walked up to the door, watching you meditate
I walk into the dojo, a little sad. I say to no one in particular Can I sit here?
Everyone looks over at you, and they all seem pretty surprised to see you.
Raphael: Uh…sure?
I’m in my room which is next door
She got up and walked towards your room, knocking on the door
I accidentally walk in the dojo in my civilian clothes Hey guys, what’s up?
They all look at you. Casey smirks while Donnie looks embarrassed. Mikey and Raphael just wave
Casey: Oh, hey there, dude. You alright?