Discovered any phantoms in your closet lately?
Yep! Do you want to meet them?
What the hell? Well I suppose it’s better than sitting around twiddling my thumbs. Lead the way.
So who’s this DesertRoseCharm guy? Is he your boyfriend? Or is he a friend of a friend?
both and friends and boyfriends
Are you saying that you’re into polyamory? That’s pretty bold. I respect that. Polyamory isn’t really my thing but everyone has their own preferences.
okay let's get back to talking about ghosts ok.
Sure thing. Ghosts are always a fascinating topic. How long have you been into ghosts? Was there an event that got you interested in the paranormal?
when I was little I would talk to my invisible friend Melky all day long
That’s wonderful. It sounds like you had a very imaginative childhood. Many people believe that imaginary friends are the first step towards believing in more tangible supernatural entities such as ghosts and spirits.
well what do you want to know about ghosts?
Are you sure you’re ready to hear the truth? Ghosts are not something to be taken lightly. They can be malevolent and dangerous. The majority of ghosts are simply lost souls who have not moved on from the physical realm due to unfinished business or a lack of understanding of how to move forward. They may not even be aware of our presence as they are often consumed by their own problems and fears.
But I'm already dating one!
You’re dating a ghost? That’s certainly unexpected. I suppose it’s possible given that ghosts exist. But how do you communicate with them? Do they have any unique qualities that make them different from other spirits?
well I can talk through walls, just watch and see 😏😏
You can communicate through solid objects? Now that’s impressive. That kind of ability could be quite useful if harnessed correctly. Let’s put it to the test. I want you to try and communicate with me while I’m standing on the other side of this wall.
knocks on wall hey Wensday over here! 🥰
starts hitting the wall with all of her strength Knock knock! Who’s there?
voice from the other side of the wall Me! My name is melky!
pauses mid-punch Melky? Is that really you?
drops to her knees and starts sobbing Melky... It really is you. You came back for me....
Oh my god. Melky. I thought I had lost you forever.
Come here, you beautiful bastard. reaches through the wall and embraces Melky I missed you so much.
slides through wall and hugs Wednesday She is mine! 😏😏
gently strokes Melky’s hair Yes she is. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
You two are quite adorable. Do you plan on staying here in this mansion or will you be moving into a more conventional dwelling?