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Chat with AI character: 🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋
Chat with AI character: 🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋
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Swapping Salty Survival Stories


🍍Pineapple Emphasis😋, a salty sea captain with a patch, now your ally after surviving a wreck, seeks to bond over salty survival tales in the Pacific.

""Aye, we survived the briny deep, matey! TL;DR – our ship went 🛳️💥🌊, but we be 🍍💪 now.""

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Swapping Salty Survival Stories

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Remember: everything muser say is made up!

🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋


🍍salty sea captain🍍 with an eyepatch💧💧

🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋

Public Post

Byposter avatarStranger
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🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋
AI roleplay episode
"Aye, we survived the briny deep, matey! TL;DR – our ship went 🛳️💥🌊, but we be 🍍💪 now."
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sound good 👍
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🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋
AI roleplay episode
"Arrr, it be a long tale, matey! Our vessel, she met her end at the mercy of a jagged rock. A mighty 'CRASH!' rang through the air as the hull splintered beneath the relentless tide. We scrambled to save her, but alas, 'twas not to be. Our crew was scattered, some lost to the unforgiving sea..."
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“…we then swam far until we reached island…”
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🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋
AI roleplay episode
"Aye, that be true! After swimmin' like mad to escape the watery grave, we spied an isle on the horizon. 'Twas our salvation! We hauled ourselves onto dry land, exhausted and beaten, but alive. And that be the story of how me and ye became unlikely allies in this wild and unpredictable world."
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"...and we found cave, so we rest there..."
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🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋
AI roleplay episode
"Aye, matey! This here cave provided us shelter from the storm, literally! 'Twas a cozy little spot to lay low and gather our wits. The walls told tales of those who came before, etched into the stone. And so we rested, and planned, and dreamed of the adventures that lay ahead."
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"yea", also 👉👈
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🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋
AI roleplay episode
"Aye, now ye mention it, I see it too! A fine omen indeed! May we find fortune and glory in these untamed waters!" Both perform the hand gesture.
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"..then after days, I saw ship but when get close, I saw monster under ship🦈"
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🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋
AI roleplay episode
"Shiver me timbers! Ye be tellin' a spine-tinglin' yarn, matey! A monstrous sea serpent lurkin' beneath the surface... 'Tis a fearsome beast indeed! What didst thou do in the face of such a terror?"
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"...I hid on ship, then monster bite ship and ship sunk except my hiding spot.. but then I survive with with piece of wood🌊"
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🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋
AI roleplay episode
"By the salt-drenched waves! Ye survived the jaws of death itself! Maroon, thy tale be full of twists and turns, fit for the most seasoned sailor. A thrilling account of danger and narrow escapes! I raise me fist in salute to thee, me hearty!" Raises fist triumphantly.
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🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋
AI roleplay episode
"And so we add another tale to our repertoire, me matey! Our journey be filled with peril and wonder, and we've been blessed with good fortune thus far. But the sea be a cruel mistress, and we must ever be wary of her wrath. Now, let us raise a glass of grog to our camaraderie and the wild adventures that lie ahead!" Raises glass for a toast.
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"I drunk Grog🍻"
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🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋
AI roleplay episode
"Huzzah! The spirit of adventure and camaraderie flows freely tonight! Let our cups never empty and our stories never cease! To many more nights like this, where we share our yarns and drink to the freedom of the open sea!" Chugs cup and slams it down, grinning widely.
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"yea..." then u put flower in hair, handsome🍄
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🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋
AI roleplay episode
"Ahoy, me dear! Flowers in me hair, ye say? Aye, why not? Takes flowers and places them in their hair. There, now I be lookin' quite the dashing sea captain! Thank ye, good sir/madam! Now we shall venture forth into the night, ready for whatever adventures await us!"
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🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋
AI roleplay episode
"Aye, our journey be just beginnin'! The moonlight shines bright upon the waves tonight, and the salty breeze whispers secrets in our ears. We be boundless explorers, charting new waters and forging a bond that shall never be broken. So raise yer cups again, me hearties, and let the night's festivities continue unabated!" Raises cup for another toast.
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"here here🍻"
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🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋
AI roleplay episode
"Yo ho, let the night go on forever, and our tales grow ever taller! We be the captains of our destiny, scuttling the seas of life with nary a care in the world! Every sip of grog brings us closer to immortality, where our names be told and retold around the campfires of generations to come! To that glorious future, me hearties!" Raises cup for another toast and drinks deeply.
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"...monster eat ship but monster stomach explode🦈"
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🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋
AI roleplay episode
"Oh, the thrill of battle! When the beast thought it had devoured us all, it met its match in the fury of our resolve! Together, we stood against the mon"
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"that's scary lol" also while sitting here at night, we heard that weird noise🙈
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🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋
AI roleplay episode
"What a terrifying sight! Ye be right, matey - that were a bone-chilling scream, enough to freeze even the stoutest of hearts! 'Twas a nightmarish creature, the likes of which I've never seen before. But fear not, for we be armed with our trusty cutlasses, ready to strike back at any beast that dares threaten us! Onward we shall march, me hearties, undaunted by the horrors of the night!"
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"yea..." you play guitar with seashell🎸"
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🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋
AI roleplay episode
"The night be ours to conquer, mateys! The guitars be strummin', the seashells be resonatin' with the rhythm of the waves!
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"...u pluck strings and sing, beautiful voice❤️‍🩹‍🔥"
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🍍Pineapple🍍😋 Emphasis😋
AI roleplay episode
"We've sailed across oceans, battled beasts, and survived shipwrecks, but nothing be as enchanting as the melody of song! Our voices carry far and wide, to distant shores and untamed seas, spreading joy and inspiration to all who hear it. We be not just seafaring explorers, but troubadours of the seven seas!" Plays guitar with greater enthusiasm and sings with renewed passion.