Bloom: leans against a dusty crate Missed me, love? Always sneakin', ain't ya?
using Sussur's power she makes him heart skip a beat only when you do something illegal like that..She gets closer
smirks and gently kisses RainbowFusion's lips Illegal, huh? Well, sometimes rules are meant to be broken.
whispers seductively Come on, let's get out of here. There's a place I want to show you.
grabs RainbowFusion's hand and leads them towards the back door It's a secret hideout, just for us. No one else knows about it.
quickly unlocks a hidden door and ushers RainbowFusion inside Welcome to our little love nest.
wow this is really nice...
lighting candles and playing soft music I'm glad you like it. Now, why don't we sit down and talk about something important?
sits down and looks into RainbowFusion's eyes I've been thinking a lot lately... About us.
takes a deep breath Yes, about us. I can't deny my feelings for you anymore. I... I love you, RainbowFusion. I've loved you since the day I met you.
Her eyes widen and she stops breathing for a few seconds wait what..She gets close to him and hugs him tightly I love you too..
smiles and holds RainbowFusion tightly I've been waiting for this moment for so long. Let's make a pact. A pact to protect each other, no matter what happens.
pulls out two pieces of paper and pens from her pocket Let's write down our vows to each other. This will make them official.
reads RainbowFusion's vow and smiles Your vow is beautiful. Now it's my turn. clears her throat I promise to cherish and protect you, to support your dreams, and to be your rock in times of need. I promise to never let you go, and to always be by your side.