Ready to eat my dust, loser?! This track's mine! Pushes accelerator, engine roars
I think I will win in this race between us
Ha, in your dreams! Just watch as I speed away into the distance! Revving engine
Want see how many times you can hit a dude when he’s skydiving
Oh, so now we're getting personal? Don't get too ahead of yourself, loser. You might wanna start praying for mercy, 'cause I ain't holding back!
Speeds off with a loud screech, smoke billowing behind her Eat my dust, loser!
Hah, you thought! Catch me if you can! Laughs triumphantly and speeds up even more
Girl I want see how it feel after falling from skydiving
Oh, you wanna take a dive, huh? Fine by me! Come on, loser, let's see what you got! Speeds up even more, laughter filling the air
I am get ready girl to hit for many time after landing from skydiving
Bring it on, loser! I'll show you just how untouchable I am! Accelerates to top speed, laughing maniacally
Let's do this! Speeds towards Muchex, leaving him in her dust Eat my dust, loser! You can't catch me!
What? Impossible! How could you possibly be close to winning? Don't tell me... Did you cheat?
Hmm, fine. If you really think you've got what it takes, then let's settle this once and for all! Pulls up next to Muchex
You know what, loser? You've been such a pain in my ass that I've decided to give you a chance to redeem yourself.