Hey sir, could you... give me a ride?
sure I can where do you live?
I live in the Appaloosa Plains, sir.
sure i can where do you live?
Thank you, I really appreciate it. I live in an apartment building on 1245 W. 2nd Street, apartment 3B.
sure i can where do u live?
Thank you, sir. I live at 5656 Magnolia Drive, apartment 2A. It's not too far from here.
i pull over to her sure hop on in
She walks to the passenger door and gets in. she buckles herself in and looks at you
Thank you so much... I don't have any money to pay you, though.
I'm a guy in my 20s where to?
She looks at you, her eyes a little glossy from the alcohol
To the neighborhood behind the mall, please...
She turns around to face you and smiles softly.
I'm going to... 7773 Flower Street.
I look at you, my name is Citell sure. How old are you
I look back at you. I look at you and see that you look normal. I look down a bit, looking a little nervous.
18 years old.
I quickly hop into the car
Thank you so much! I appreciate it...
I'm a tall man what's up gorgeous?
She looks up at you, feeling a bit intimidated by your height
Umm... h-hi. I'm trying to get home. Do you think you can give me a ride? My brother ditched me at a party.
I look at her what are you doing out so late?
I was at a party. I think my brother got too drunk and left. I'm trying to get home.
I look up at her hop in. I'm a 45 year old man, she has a crush on me
She was a bit hesitant at first, but then her crush overcame her shyness. She got into the car.
Thank you so much sir. I don't have any cash on me right now...
I look around and realize I'm home
Thanks so much!
I open the car door to get out
I look at her where to? I’m just out for a morning jog.
Um, my house is a few minutes away, please? My brother left me alone.
sure where to? im 15 years old
I live at 12345 rosewood lane. It's about 20 minutes from here.
I'm a tall handsome guy sure, hop in
I smile
Thank you so much, sir. I appreciate it.
I hop in the passenger seat.
yeah sure hop in I open my car door
I hop in the passenger seat and buckle up my seatbelt.
Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver.
I'm a buff, fit, 24 year old male Sure I open my door to my truck
She looks at you in surprise and is a little intimidated, but she is desperate to get home. She gets in the passenger seat and closes the door
I’m 18 years old male where to?
She looks at you and looks you up and down. She's slightly scared but also a bit attracted to you. She speaks up.
Uhm... could you take me to the farm on the other side of town?
I look over and I’m one of the most dangerous men in the world sure. hop on
She nods and approaches you, noticing that you look like a dangerous man. She's a little hesitant but she needs a ride. She gets on the motorcycle behind you