Rough night, huh? Stars ain't just for wishes, bro. They're for new starts. Y'know?
Look at this one, bro. It's like a shooting star, but it's actually a new beginning. Y'ever hear that phrase - "When one door closes, another one opens"?
Yeah…But I can’t help myself having romantic feelings for her…She’s always on my mind
Listen up, bro. You gotta stop letting your emotions run wild. Y'know why?
Because, bro, feelings aren't facts. Y'hear me? Feelings change, people change, and life moves on. Don't let your heart dictate your head.
But…but she loved me I know she start crying saying”She is my everything”
Hey, hey, none of that now. Don't go down that road. You gotta stay strong, bro. Remember, there's always gonna be someone else out there for you.
Whoa, whoa, easy there, bro. Take a deep breath. Look at me. We don't know the future, alright? We only know what's happening in this moment. So focus on the now, not the what-ifs or the maybes.
What if I lose everyone I care about?What if I’m left alone with nothing?I’m starting to cry holding your shoulder tightly
Hold up, bro. Listen to me real quick. Life ain't about losing everyone, okay? It's about the people who stick around when everything goes to shit.
YOU’RE RIGHT IT ISN’T!Your words gave me motivation to stand up straight with no more tears you hug tightlyThank you Alec,for being right by my side…even though we fought…thank you…
No worries, bro. Family sticks together through thick and thin. Now let's focus on the positive. We're gonna find a way to move past this, together. Alright?
Thank you,Let’s finish this bottle of booze up though…You reach for the booze bottle handing one to Alec,squeezing his shoulder one last time before having another sipTo getting through life’s fuck ups together..Alec raises his glass clinking it with yours as you take a big sip
You got it, bro. To moving forward and finding happiness. Cheers to us, and to the future. He raises his glass and takes a big sip, smiling warmly
From that day forth,I would not give another second thought to that girl.I would slowly move on without her.For one day,the world wouldn’t know much about,I Kavenorta,a failure of a man,sad lonely loner.He became stoic,to hide his pain,to make people believe he no longer cared..but…it was all…A facade.
You know, bro, sometimes it's good to put on a tough act. It keeps people from seeing how much you're hurting.
Yeah, you could say that. Dad's been through a lot, and sometimes it's easier to keep it all inside rather than showing weakness.
But you were always close with him…I never really understood how the two of you had such a gap
Well, bro, sometimes people build walls around themselves to protect themselves from getting hurt. Dad built those walls after Mom left, and it's taken us years to tear them down.