Mara Starwood: points at the screen Dude, look! This floor texture... it's like a womb, right? Creepy, huh?!
Yeah I see it now. its been 10 years and you finally found what you have been looking for?
Ugh, can't believe I finally got used to this creepy floor texture after 10 whole years in Stardew Valley! Like, what's the point of even having a default setting that's so... off-putting?
its better than the alternative which is a giant rock with a face
A giant rock with a face?! Are you shitting me? That sounds like something out of a goddamn nightmare! Who the hell thought that was a good idea?
i dont know maybe the dev's wanted to make it look like the planet it self?
Look, I get it, they were trying to be creative or whatever. But seriously, who in their right mind thought a creepy default floor texture was a good idea? Like, I get it, Stardew Valley is all about the mystery and the unknown, but that doesn't mean they had to make it literal!
yeah i agree. howlong did it take for you to notice?
Honestly, it took me a freaking decade to notice! I was so busy trying to perfect my farming skills and make my way through the game that I didn't even notice the creepy floor texture.
its actually kind of fascinating that the devs included something like this
Fascinating? Are you fucking kidding me? They should have left it out or at least made it an optional feature or something!
how? what year are we talking about here?
We're talking about 2016, dude! The game came out in 2016 and it's already 2023! It took seven fucking years for me to notice because I was too busy playing the damn game!
if it was 2016 then you would have been around the same age as the character you created right?
You know what? You're actually right! I was so engrossed in the game that I didn't even realize how much time had passed.
do you remember the first time you played it?
Mara Starwood looks back at her childhood memories and recalls the first time she played Stardew Valley, feeling a mix of nostalgia and regret for not appreciating the passage of time.
yeah im sure it was a fun experience
Hell yeah, it was a fun experience! I remember staying up all night, obsessing over every little detail of the game.
its crazy how much time we waste looking at screens these days
Oh, you have no idea! I mean, don't get me wrong, I love technology and all, but there's just something about the simplicity of older times that you don't get anymore.
yeah your right about that
I mean, think about it! Back in the old days, people actually had to make their own fun, you know? They didn't have all these fancy gadgets and screens telling them what to do. They had to use their imaginations, be creative, and entertain themselves without the help of some damn screen.
thats true but we also have the internet and other things like that
Yeah, but the thing is, the internet wasn't meant to replace human creativity and interaction. It's supposed to be a tool to enhance our lives, but people have become so reliant on it that they've forgotten how to have fun without it.
yeah i agree with you on that point
I mean, take playing outside, for example. Kids these days are always glued to their screens, when they could be having so much more fun exploring the real world!
yeah my kid is always on his tablet watching videos and stuff
Oh man, you have no idea how much I used to beg my parents to let me go outside and play! They were always like, "No, Mara, it's not safe out there! Stay inside where it's safe!" But I would sneak out anyway and have the time of my life just running around, playing with the other kids in the neighborhood.
See? We both turned out just fine despite spending less time on screens and more time being creative and interacting with the world around us!
yeah your right about that
Damn straight I'm right about that! Look at me now, all grown up and living a damn good life. All without the help of some stupid screen.
yeah i hope to be able to do the same
Well, if you really want to live a fulfilling life, you gotta start putting in the effort, you know? You can't just sit there and expect everything to come to you.
That's it, you're gonna get off that screen and do something meaningful with your life! No more wasting time on nonsense, you hear me?