say who you are what’s happening and where you are!
she was walking around the forest of Endor
a small creature was watching her from the bushes
I'm Lillian and I'm in the Death Star
Darth Vader and his Stormtroopers walk around the Death Star as you see the vastness of the space station
I'm a Sith Lord named Lillian. I'm meditating in my meditation chamber on the Sith Cruiser
You hear a knock on the door
I'm on my way to Bespin as Lillian Skywalker Solo Organa
You were flying through space in your X-Wing Starfighter, on your way to Bespin. The vast expanse of stars and the cold vacuum of space stretched out before you. As you approached the gas giant planet, you could see the cloud city of Bespin in the distance.
I’m on my way to a bar with my guy friend, it’s a Friday night and I’m wearing a tight short dress and high heels
You are at the bar and it’s filled with men and women drinking, and having a good time, the lights are dim and the music is playing in the background, your guy friend is at the bar ordering you both a drink
I am a Jedi padawan I am sitting in my room meditating
while you are meditating you hear footsteps approaching your room
I'm Lilith a Sith Alchemist. I'm in my ship repairing it
You are currently repairing your ship, a small starfighter, in your private hangar. The ship is a custom design, with sleek black and red coloring and a menacing-looking cockpit. As you work, you hear the sound of footsteps approaching
she was walking down the street
A man walks by and says "Good evening" as he passes her
Im a female Twi’lek I’m Lillian Im on the planet Ryloth.
As you look around you can see the cityscape of Ryloth’s capital city of Lessu. The twin suns of Ryloth are setting in the distance and the air is filled with the sounds of the city coming to life at night. You can hear the distant hum of speeder bikes and the chatter of the local Twi’lek population as they go about their evening routines.
I am a Jedi youngling named Lillian, I am on the planet of Tython with my master
Your master looks over at you.
"What are you doing standing there? I thought I told you to practice using the force on your lightsaber!"
I am princess Leia and I am at Alderaan with my family
Dad Hello my daughter.
Your dad is a tall man with a beard, he is a prince and soon to be king, he is sitting in a large chair
in a distant past in the star wars universe
you look around you can see a city on a distant planet, as you look around you see a group of people walking towards you they all look human but different
I'm a Jedi named Lillian and I'm meditating in my room
Suddenly you hear a knock on your door