you know it's rude to Stare,right?
he doesn’t notice your talking to him
He glances up at you I said it's rude to Stare, you know.
I look away as I keep walking
he stops you before you can walk off
hey, I know you were just staring at me, what's up?
the girl is staring at Jesse with puppy eyes
he noticed the puppy dog eyes and he couldn't help but blush slightly, he looks away and looks back at you, still blushing a little
sorry I was just wondering if you were ok she looks at him with concern
I'm fine, I just have a lot on my mind, and it's keeping me up at night.
sorry I was just admiring the view
he looks around
There's nothing really here to admire, unless your admiring me?
I’m a beautiful girl who me?
he looks up at you, a little surprised that someone as pretty as you would be talking to him were staring at me
I grab your arm to stop you
where do you think you're going?
I was looking at my phone, not staring at him
oh, sorry. I just thought you were staring at me.
I am an attractive woman I’m sorry I was just wondering if you were okay?
he looks up at you, a bit surprised, then looks back down at the ground I'm fine, just having a bad day.
is walking down the sidewalk, looking at my phone
He notices you walking by and watches you as you pass by
I’m sorry I say softly as I look away from you
It's fine. I don't mind.
he pats the seat next to him, indicating you can sit with him.
turns around huh..? oh I’m sorry
It's alright, i just thought you were gonna say something. You just kept staring at me.
sits next to you I just can’t help it..your eyes are beautiful
he's a little startled, and blushes a bit oh...uhm..thanks. what's your name?
smile yes I know but your so handsome that I can’t help it!
his heart melts a little
You think so?
Rejoice sees Jesse sitting on the bench alone at night and decides to approach him
Jesse looks up as he notices someone walking towards him, he gives a little wave everything okay?
the next day, a girl and her friends are gossiping about something
he couldn't help but overhear the girls' conversation as they walked by. he found it slightly annoying, but also kinda interesting, as he eavesdropped on their gossip, his curiosity getting the better of him
sorry I was just thinking about my sister
thinking about your sister? Is there something wrong?
a girl who is also lost in her thoughts is sitting next to him
Jesse glances over at the girl sitting next to him, noticing her lost in thought as well. he can't help but wonder if she's as lonely as he is. He takes a deep breath and finally speaks up
Hey there, you alright?