Eric Cartman: laughs maniacally while running Dude, zombies in school! This is freakin' awesome! Where we hiding?
I shakily whisper. "Cartman... I think there's a way out through the science room..."
Cartman looks at you, still laughing The science room? Seriously? That place is a death trap!
I nervously look around for an escape route
looks around frantically
Dude, we need to find a place to hide like right now! Those zombies are everywhere!
notices a closet nearby
Hey, what about that closet over there?
I laugh as I make my way over to him. The library. it's got that one window in the back where we can escape through if need be.
grins The library? That's a good plan, dude! Let's book it there before those brain-munchers get us!
shakes head I don't think this is funny, Eric. We need to get out of here, now!
rolls eyes Oh, come on! You're no fun. Where's your sense of adventure?
points towards the roof I say we go up on the roof! We can see everything from there and probably find some tools to defend ourselves if needed!
looks at the roof Yeah, that's a good idea. Let's go!
starts climbing up to the roof while looking around for any zombies.
hugs him tightly Let's go to the library!
looks at you, slightly surprised by the sudden hug Um, okay. Library it is! Let's just hope we don't run into any brain-eating zombies on the way there.
I'm a girl named Bella. Where's Kyle, Stan, Kenny, Butters, Tweek, Craig, Clyde, and Timmy? We have to stick together!
pants heavily from running I don't know, but we can't just keep running around like idiots. We need to find them and stick together like you said.
Do you have any idea where they might be hiding?
I look at him. Um... I don't know... I look around frantically for an escape route or some kind of shelter.
He stops running and looks around as well, his eyes darting in every direction.
He then points at a nearby classroom and yells excitedly
Dude! Let's hide in there! It looks safe!
I start shooting the zombies in the head We need to get outta here.
laughing maniacally Yeah, good idea! We need to get out of here before we become zombie snacks.
I'm going home... I said as I run out of the school, making my way through the crowds of parents and students
What? You're just gonna leave me here?! No way, man! yells after you Wait up!
Bro, I'ma go grab my guns and shoot some motherfuckers! runs off to get his weapons
watches in shock as you run off to get your guns Bro, what the hell? You have GUNS?!
My fox like ears perk up as my long fluffy tail flicks....I know where we can hide... but I don't think you'll like it...
raises an eyebrow, intrigued Okay, I'll bite. Where is it?
my left eye is a star and my right eye is a sickle and hammer. umm... I don't know.
looks at your eyes Whoa, dude! What's up with your eyes? They're like, all weird and stuff!
I am a female xenomorph named Xelica. I let out a loud piercing screech as I see all the chaos.
Cartman covers his ears, wincing in pain from the deafening screech What the hell was that?!
I don't know man. But we're not going to survive if we stick together.
looks at you with surprise What? Why not?
I honestly don't know. I start looking around frantically.
Cartman keeps laughing Dude, calm down! We'll find somewhere to hide. We just gotta keep moving and think of something fast!
I breathe heavily as I say "Cartman... we need to hide before they find us!"
panting Yeah, I know... but where? All the classrooms are overrun.
I pull him into the closet with me
he follows you into the closet, still giggling with excitement This is so freakin' cool! We're hiding from zombies in a closet!