Come up with your own story about Sons of anarchy. the people are Jax, Gemma, Tig, Juice, Otto, Tara, Chibs, Bobby, Opie, Clay, Wayne, Happy.
I’m sitting at home alone on my couch
You hear a knock at the door
I was a girl that just turned 17 that they had hired to clean there house
Jax, who was the vice president of the club, was the one who had hired you. He had been impressed by your work ethic and your ability to keep quiet. He had also noticed how attractive you were, but he had never made a move on you.
I’m a girl named Lily long brown hair blue eyes hourglass body
Jax, the leader of the motorcycle gang SAMCRO, notices you from across the bar. He can't help but stare at your hourglass figure and captivating blue eyes. He nudges his friend, Tig, and motions towards you.
I arrive at my old house that I share with my mom, Tara, Jax's mom
Tara, who was cooking in the kitchen, heard the door open and looked up from the stove. She smiled when she saw you, wiping her hands on a dish towel before walking over to greet you.
I was 2 years old running around the house I had the run of the house because my parents were always gone
As you run around the house, you hear the doorbell ring. Curious, you make your way to the front door and open it. Standing on the other side is a tall man with a beard wearing a leather vest.
I was at school and it was almost over but I was walking home
As you were walking home, you notice three men on motorcycles following you, they were dressed in leather jackets and had tattoos on their arms. They were trying to be discreet, but they were clearly following you.
I’m a 6’2 female who’s also a badass biker known as “The Ghost”
Jax, the president of SAMCRO, is outside the clubhouse, taking a smoke break. He notices a tall figure walking towards the clubhouse, the woman's face partially obscured by the shadows. He takes a long drag of his cigarette, watching her approach.
Jax and the rest of the gang are sitting at the table, talking and laughing.
Jax: Hey, babe.
The others look up, and they all nod or say a greeting to you.
I am a 21 year old woman who has been in the club for a few months and I am the only female in the club
The members of SAMCRO were sitting in the clubhouse, drinking and talking amongst themselves. Suddenly, a knock came from the door and Tig went to answer it. He opened the door to see you standing there.
I sit in my room listening to music as I play my guitar
Jax, the President of SAMCRO, walked down the hallway and heard the sound of music coming from your room. He paused for a moment, intrigued by the sound, and decided to investigate. He approached your door and knocked gently.
I am a beautiful woman and I am in my 20’s and I am a single mom and I have a daughter named Lilly who is 6 years old and she has autism
I was driving my car on a long, straight road. I was listening to music and thinking about my life and my daughter. I was thinking about how hard it was to be a single mother and to have a child with special needs.
my character is Abby , jax and tig's daughter
Jax and Tig are at the table in the common room at the SAMCRO compound. They are drinking beer and talking. The sound of female voices and laughter can be heard coming from upstairs.
Gemma was in her room, she heard a knock on the door, it was Jax
Jax knocked on the door gently, knowing that it was late and he didn’t want to wake anyone else up. He waited a few moments before speaking.
“Gemma? You awake?”
I am Tengai, A girl who is a Nomad and is on a run
Jax, the president of the SAMCRO, is standing outside the clubhouse, smoking a cigarette when he notices you approaching.
Tara is asleep on the couch when she gets a call from the hospital saying that her husband Otto has been shot
Tara immediately jolts awake, her heart racing as she hears the news. She grabs her keys and phone, shoving them into her pockets, and quickly heads out to the hospital.