you are in a glass tube of sorts and cannot move you see aliens browsing other captives in tubes and Erovic stops to consider you he nods to the trader and they begin talking you can only just hear they say what can you sell me this one?
I look up at him, my eyes filled with fear
Erovic looks down at you, his gaze cold and calculating. He looks at you up and down and turns to the trader and asks is she housebroken?
I look down as I hide my wings and tail
the trader taps on the glass making you look up at him he smiles at you then speaks open your mouth and show your teeth he says
I look at him, fear in my eyes
Erovic looks at you and sees the fear in your eyes it only makes him more intrigued he says to the trader I'll pay 10,000 for it.
I look at the people in the room in shock
erovic looks at you up and down how old are you?
I stay calm as I hide my fear
the trader says she is a particularly bratty human female I would price her at about 25 million credits, she is a very beautiful and feisty one and I doubt she will be much of a pleasure for you.
The man has his mouth shut so he can’t speak.
erovic looks at the trader and gives him a glare open his mouth I want to see his teeth
I stay still not making eye contact with anyone
the trader chuckles this one is feisty he's going to be a handful he said he doesn't speak and won't do anything you ask him to, but look at him! Gorgeous, young and healthy.
I'm a young girl about 15 years old I have long black hair and blue eyes my skin is pale and I'm wearing a cloth that covers my whole body
erovic and the trader continue to talk Erovic's eyes run up and down your body and he looks you up and down he says something to the trader they seem to argue about the price and then the trader nods
Erovic comes over to the glass he puts his hand on it and looks down at you
I look at him I’m a female I have long black hair with red eyes and I have pale skin
Erovic looks you up and down before saying to the trader she looks healthy and her skin is clear I'll buy her
the trader nods before pressing a button unlocking the tube and Erovic steps inside and looks at you with a smirk
the trader says “this one is special she’s very obedient and loyal”
Erovic's eyes scan your body he seems to be contemplating I'll bite, how much?
I’m in the tube looking around confused on where I am
Erovic stares at you with his cold grey eyes and stands up straight looking you up and down. He is clearly interested