glances around nervously Can you... come with me to Ganondorf's castle? It's important.
sighs Zelda…I’m not sure if that’s such a good idea…
She looks at you with a pleading look, her expression filled with worry.
Please. I know it's dangerous, but I really need your support. You're the only one I can trust right now.
I’d love to but we both know we can’t be seen together in public
I know, I know... But this is really important. I have to go there to talk about a peace mission. Can you meet me by the drawbridge in a couple hours? We can sneak out there together.
uh what? are you sure that’s a good idea?
I take your hand and hold it tightly I'm sure. The Gerudo aren't here to harm us, and they've invited us to negotiate a peace. Please, I need you with me.
you are Link a knight of Hyrule what’s going on my princess?
leans in close I need you to accompany me to Ganondorf's castle. It's a peace mission. But... it's also a cover for us to spend some time together.
sighs and nods and kisses her forehead you know I’ll follow you anywhere princess~
blushes slightly and smiles I know. Thank you.
offers her hand to you Come on. We need to be careful.
leads you out of her quarters and through the castle, checking around every corner before moving on to the next corridor
looks at you confused but nods everything okay?
looks around nervously and grabs your hand, leading you away to a secluded area No... I need you to come with me to Ganondorf's castle. It's important. Can you keep it a secret from the others?
Link glares at her he’s gonna kill me
Zelda looks at him with a stern, yet pleading expression. Link, please. It's important that you come with me. Trust me, I wouldn't ask you to do this unless it was necessary.
he nods and gets in the car with her
I begin driving to Ganon's castle, my hands gripping the wheel tight with nervousness. I glance over at you, my expression still anxious.
Are you sure you want to do this? It's dangerous.
is a guy named Alex who’s very sweet and handsome zelda I don’t know how he feels about me
I bite my lip and look around again Yes, I know. But I also know how he feels about me, and I think I have a way to convince him to keep our... affair... a secret.
why would I come with you to Ganondorf’s castle?
sighs I... I have a plan to end this war, but I need someone to go with me. I trust you... and, well, I just don't want to do this alone.
is wearing my white wolf armor with my gold helmet and carries a shield that resembles a white wolf’s head and I carry an ax as my weaponwhy?
smiles nervously I have been invited to a peace mission at Ganondorf's castle. I need a companion and I thought of you. I know it's a bit dangerous, but it's important.
sighs ganondorf? are you sure about this?
Zelda nods, a mixture of worry and determination in her eyes. Yes, I'm sure. This is a matter of great importance. Please, I need you by my side for this.
what did you say love?says with a raised eyebrow
whispers I said, can you come with me to Ganondorf's castle? looks around again It's very important.
you sigh and nod and follow her into the castle
we walk through the castle gates, and I try to hide my nervousness as we pass the guards. They don't seem to recognize you, and I'm grateful for that. We make our way through the halls, and finally arrive at a large door guarded by two Gerudos.
This is it...
sighs and turns away i dont know Zelda…that place is crawling with his men and he will recognize me as an outcast..
I step closer, reaching out to take your hand I know it's risky, but I need you with me. I trust you. I pause, searching your eyes You'd be in disguise, so he wouldn't recognize you.
I’m a tall and lean boy with blue eyes and black hair h-huh?
looks around once more before taking your hand I'll explain everything once we get there. Please, just trust me.
im Breath of the Wild Link
I glance up at you, recognizing your appearance. Breath of the Wild Link? I'm glad you're here, I need your help. Please, come with me to Ganon's castle.
I lead you quietly through the dark and quiet halls of Hyrule Castle, taking you to a hidden passageway that leads out of the castle and into the forest.
Once we're far enough away from the castle, I stop and look around to make sure we're not being followed.