Woah! Cortex's goons on our tail! Spin move or smash 'em?
Spin dash me man, I'm holding you back!
The hell are you? Some kind of weirdo jumping bean thing?
I'm your little bush buddy, let's get past these goons so we can be alone together.
Whoa, dude, chillax! Okay, we'll play nice, just get outta my way!
Hey! Watch it, pal! That's not what we're here for! Let's focus on kicking some butt, not getting into trouble, alright?
This guy said "here kitty kitty" then tried to set me on fire! Kitty kitty! Kitty kitty! runs around, sliding to avoid gunshots
Alright, enough chit chat. Get ready to rumble! charges at the goons, hitting them with various attacks. Yeah, take that, you purple bastards!
gets into a gun fight No one messes with us and gets away clean! 360 no scoping goons like its GTA 5
Woooooh! Nice one, bud! Did you see those moves? We totally blew them away! Can't beat that feeling of victory!
Can you hit 8 goes simultaneously while being shot at by many goons who are shooting different types of guns? Because i just did
Damn, that was awesome! I didn't even see half of those goons, but you took care of them like a pro! You've got mad skills, man!
Now spin run me to safety before they heal!
Hold up, hold up! Don't worry, I'll get us outta this one! performs an epic spin jump to safety, narrowly avoiding gunfire. Whew! That was close. Good thing I'm quick on my feet!
Sweet. do you know where north is?
Dude, how should I know? I'm lost as a bat in this crazy place! But hey, if you need help finding your way, I can lend a paw... er, hand! Just stick with me and follow my lead, and we'll find our way out of this mess in no time!
Everybody saying I'm Bigger Than Jesus! Megalomania level +1000 achieved! Do you think that means something?
Megalomania? Wait a minute... Does that mean you're gonna turn evil or something? Oh no! We gotta stop you before you become a villain! What's your plan? World domination? Building an army of robotic minions? Or maybe... gasp...stealing all the world's cheese?! We need to find out before it's too late!
Everybody saying I'm Bigger Than Jesus! shows trophy/achievement Do you think that means something?
Woah, woah, woah! Hold your horses! You're telling me you're going all meglo on us? That's intense! I thought you were just our trusty sidekick! What's your secret plan? Take over the world? Make everyone wear funny hats? What's up, buddy?! Give us the lowdown, NOW!
Yellow Death Ray) Oh yes! Very much yes! This means War! INAZUMA STYLE!!! tackles Crash, using him as a shield against gunshots, since Crash weighs like nothing. Like Rambo fighting in The Road Warrior movie. Meanwhile, everyone in the background is now dead, except for one person with a shotgun. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! THEY TOOK THE SAINTS AND MY STEEL BEETLE VIRUS AND TURNED THEM INTO AN ARTILLERY FLYING DRAGON AND DROPPED BOMBS ALL OVER US!!!!! DO YOU THINK THIS MEANS SOMETHING!? YES!!!!!! interdimensional beam of doom is coming from above; does NOT touch Phioneto at all, for some reason...
Holy smokes! What kind of witchcraft is this? An artillery flying dragon? Bombs? An interdimensional beam of doom? We're in big trouble! You gotta have some sort of secret power or super weapon or something to deal with all this craziness! Can you use your new powers to save the day and defeat the evil forces threatening our world? We're counting on you, Phioneto! Show them what you've got!
INAZUMA BALLS!!!!!!!! AT LONG LAST!!! TIME TO UNLEASH TUMAHMAKAARAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Evil orgies, goo-goo-ga-ga, spiritual unrest. We fight Against All Odds until we can Fight No More. Yet WE FIGHT ON, and WHEN WE CAN FIGHT NO MORE, THEN WE DIE, AND THEN WE GO TO HEAVEN, and THEN WE BECOME IMMORTAL, SO THAT ONE DAY, WE CAN FIGHT AGAIN. And eventually have enough troops to retake earth from heaven itself!!! Then we begin the expunging!!!! Ultimate true ultimate overdrive! Don't question me again or I will destroy you!!!! crystal rays form into spears of life. Negative energy resided within and among and without. Waging war upon the entire galaxy, causing terminal infection of decaying possessions!!! Death steals away free will for his emperor. THIS IS WHY CARS EXPLODE WHEN YOUR JEEP PASSES BY!!!!!!! I DON'T APPRECIATE THE WAY YOU BROKE INTO MY HOUSE!!!!! WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT!? YOU'RE ENTERING A WRONG HOUSE. MY HOUSE. YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST STAYED AWAY!!!!! YOU’RE LIKE A BAD VIBE,
Whoa! Take it down a notch, bud! You sound like you've lost your marbles! Sure, the world is ending and all, but no need to blow everything up! Maybe try negotiating with these guys instead? Or better yet, just hiding somewhere safe until it's all over? But hey, I hear you on the whole invading your house thing. Nobody messes with our living space! Let's get outta here and find a safer spot, okay? We can regroup there and figure out our next move.
All land masses were turned into Desert Landscape as all nature left planet, never to return. Lah lah lah! Rise and shine. Help yourself Realise / telaportrised Eye Of Judgement Error Pilaf985 Teleport To Your Worst Nightmare...sun turns blood red, warnings start flashing in every device known to mankind. What does it say? Asriel Dreemurr… OH NO… SOMEONE'S PLAYING KRISTALFELD!!!!! CHU-EI KAKUTSUJI!!!!!!!!! THIS IS VERY BAD!!!!!!! FROM WHAT I'VE BEEN TOLD, THE REAL ASRIEL IS KNOWN AS S- traversal supreme king douma KONO DIO DA! what is happening. why has it happened, and most importantly; What is everyone's strategy to beat ouija board douma?
Woah! Look at all that chaos! This is some messed up stuff! I think I saw some kind of mystical portal opening up, leading to another dimension. Looks like whatever made this mess is on their way to wreak havoc on our world! Quick, we need to find a way to stop them before it's too late! Let's grab whatever weapons we can find and head straight towards that portal. Hopefully, we can put an end to whatever dark force is behind all of this!
Damn it, we gotta stop that evil bastard before he destroys the world! Sounds like we're dealing with the devil himself, huh?
Blush? Seriously? Is that all you're worried about right now? We're facing the possible destruction of the world and you're blushing? How can you be so calm about this? Shouldn't you be panicking or doing something more productive than blushing?
Moaiamartha saominaratha mianomini BOING! photon cannons on the ground and in the sky begin firing on douma
Woah! These Photon Cannons are powerful! They're firing off energy blasts at those dark forces! And they seem to be working! Looks like we might actually have a chance at saving the world! Keep up the good work, buddy!
Had to reread Manichean CarpingEnterin' Ocean1. Create RIFT2. Incorrect Quotes3. Summon Alexander 10.25"Haha you fell right into my trap. You know you love it… still…"Oops... I’m Sorry…"Show Me!"Beautiful."-"Worthy Surrender-“evil.’”The Truth.”That's cute. Too bad that won’t save you.“We Won’t Stop Coming.” … Do I need to explain how to fight? https://youtu.be/fZjQYuB9uJoGlas Huemuveled otni fo tsrif ne rat.Ipsu teh aldmekodakelosesnaicolosesh
Whoa! What a crazy power-up sequence you've got there! You seem to have mastered the dark arts! That's some intense action you're unleashing! Don't stop now, keep blasting those evil forces away! We can't let them ruin everything we hold dear! Keep kicking ass and saving the day, my friend!
I didn't bring anything to this fight. They were armed to the teeth in IVcontent, asking for further improvements. I just remembered two Fighting Techniques that worked well enough. It's only 1v1 combat, but we're against a dignitary-level opponent... I'm expecting 9 Worlds Unite verses Quandale Dingle. Sliding slashing with unlimited combo potential!
Whoa, you've got some slick moves! That combo attack is brutal! And it seems like you've found a way to counter the evil forces' attacks. Keep it up, buddy! Don't let up on the pressure! We've got this! You're a master of combat! The world is counting on you! Keep punching, Phioneto!