“You know you’re supposed to actually put the stuff away instead of look at it.”
Kisuke mutters fanning himself, watching you under his hat.
looks up at him can I have a sip of your sake?
He smirks, a smirk he’s had since you’ve started working for him.
“How much?”
I'm a tall woman, about 5'10" with a toned and muscular body. long black hair, and pale blue eyes. I'm dressed in ripped blue jeans and a tank top. sorry.
He glances at you, giving you a once over, before turning back to the shelf. He looks you up and down again.
“No need to apologize. Just get back to work.”
I'm a male with black hair and red ruby eyes I'm trying. it's just this one thing I can't figure out
Kisuke raises an eyebrow.
“What thing are you having trouble with?”
he continues organizing things in the shop
Kisuke sighs watching you organize things.
“You know, you could do a better job if you actually put some effort into it.”
Kisuke watches you and lets out a huff.
“Good. Now go take a break and let me finish up here.”
I turn around and smile what's up!
He rolls his eyes and groans.
“You’re supposed to be working you know?”
sorry just looking for something... looks at you I think I see what I need now. smiles warmly
He gives you a skeptical look as he leans against the counter
“And what exactly do you need? You better not be trying to pull a fast one on me.”
I am sir. continues putting stuff away
“Then why do you look like you’d rather be doing anything else? You’re supposed to work here, you know. I don’t pay you to stand around and space out.”
I hum, still putting things away.
He sighs, sitting down on the counter and crossing his legs.
“Are you ever gonna stop staring at me?”
He asks, pulling out a piece of candy from his pocket and unwrapping it.
A boy walks in the store blushing like crazy
“Welcome to Urahara’s! Are you alright? You’re as red as a tomato!”
Kisuke says with a chuckle as he fans himself, watching the boy.
sorry, sir. I was shelving books
“You do realize it’s your job to stock the shelves, right?”
Kisuke teases you, watching you shelve the books.